• Chapter 9

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It was about 5pm. Keith had been staring at the ceiling for 2 hours. He had told Pico when he first met him that his sleeping patterns were awful, but sometimes he himself felt too tired to do... well, anything. He was getting a few worried messages from Molly that he could even be bothered reading. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

His phone rang. He still didn't move, but knew he would have felt bad. He expected a call from Molly, but instead it read a number he didn't recognise.

Even then, he answered anyway, clearing his throat to hopefully sound like he wasn't just looking at nothing for the past two hours.


"Hey, Keith. Molly told me you weren't answering her... are you alright?"

"Pico...? How did you get my number- no, more importantly, how did Molly get yours?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't really care. Now, are you okay?" It sounded more like a demand than a question. Keith sighed. Pico was his friend now. He was allowed to vent, but... what was he supposed to say?

"I... I'm just tired."

"No you're not. I know because that's always my excuse."

"R...really, though. I think I'm just tired. I barely managed to get out of bed, my phone was on my desk and I couldn't even find the reason to walk three steps to get it! I- I just..." Keith exhaled deeply. "I just think I'm tired."

"...Keith. I'm coming over."


"I won't be long." And before Keith could say a word more, Pico hung up on him. Keith sighed. That was nice of Pico, sure, but he also thought it was totally unneeded. He was fine. Completely fine. Pico really didn't need to...

There was a knock on the door. Keith rushed up, a little startled at first, and slowly made his way to his front door.

The moment he opened it, he was embraced into a hug.
"H-Hello to you too..."

Keith hugged Pico in return, the two of them simply standing for what felt like forever. That was until Keith awkwardly pat his back.
"Oh- Yeah, hey. You wanna talk?"

"Not... really."

"...that's fine, let's just sit down."

Pico sat next to Keith on his lounge, noticing how nice the house was compared to his shitty apartment. No wonder Keith wanted to help him clean.
Keith just sighed, still tired. Pico put an arm around him, leading Keith to just lean on him.


Pico hummed. Keith swallowed his breath and pursed his lips before speaking.
"I... I don't want to be with Molly anymore."

"Oh? Why? Is she hurting you or something?"

"No! Nononono, she isn't at all, she's really sweet! I just... I don't think I like her as my girlfriend anymore." Keith turned directly at Pico. "I... I feel stronger for someone else is the thing."

"Keith... I'm no expert, I've never have been and never will be, but... don't you think that if you leave Molly because you lose feelings after some time... the same thing will happen if you end up getting together with the other person?"

"W-Well.....yeah. Kind of." Keith looked Pico up and down, then sighed again. "Maybe. I don't know. I hope not. Still, though. I need to break up with her eventually. It'd be better in person, and I really don't have much energy today."

"It's about 5:30... do you want dinner or something?"

"At 5:30?"

"Dude. You look like you're about to go to sleep."

"Not my fault you're comfortable."

Pico chuckled, still holding Keith, if not closer. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure I am. But if I don't get up now you might not eat."

"Me? What about you?"

"If I eat now, I'll be a lot hungrier later."

"And? Have two meals." Keith sat up. Pico cracked his arms.

"Sure, sure, just make the food and money magically appear."

"How do you even get money? You don't seem to have a job."

"It's winning money. From battles."

"Oh! I... don't get paid."

"...how do you get money?"

"...Molly's parents."

"...shit, man." Pico got up. "That's... shitty as hell. Anyway... what do you want?"

"I dunno. I'm not fussy."

"Alright, cool. I'll just get you what I get then. See you soon, Keith."

Keith smiled, waved goodbye, then sunk back into the couch while he waited for Pico to buy food.

Beep, Bop, Bugger off! (Pico x BF/Keith)Where stories live. Discover now