Game Time!

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Maria P.O.V

Class was starting up. I watched as the of last people drizzled into the room. There was one girl that caught my eye. She was dressed in black and white, and had heavy eye make up. Her hair was a choppy cut and jet black. Her skin was pale, she looked so different. I kicked Sam, "Look!"
"At what? You should look at him." She moved her head towards this guy in a red and black flannel shirt. He was okay. Not my type though, I like the funny bad boy type. Like Marcus. But that's unimportant.
"Cool, look at her though, wait that sounded gay, just turn around." Sam turned around to see emo girl.
"She looks interesti-- Here!" Sam raised her hand, the teacher started to take attendance.
"Adam," "Here." So that's his name. "Gina," "Here." "Candice?" "Here." So that's Emo Girl's real name. "Maria?" "Here." I replied. The teacher finished attendance and handed out the syllabus for the class.

The rest of the day went in a flash. My mom picked Sam and I up to go home but I was really hungry.
"Hey can we go to McDondals? I am super hungry."
"McDonalds? Really?" My mom asked.
"Hey! I have a fast metabolism."
"I'm not calling you fat sweetie, I'm simply saying you always have McDonalds. Plus, when you're locked away in your room playing video games all you do is eat. If you keep up those habits your not going to be a size 2 anymore." My mom lectured wagging her finger.
"I doesn't matter, Cuz I'm all about that bass, bout that bass no treble!" Sam laughed in the back.
"We can always get Chipotle."
"True, but remember," "Guac is a 1.80 extra." We all said in unison.
We got home with our burrito bowls and Sam and I started to walk up stairs.
"You guys got napkins?"
"Come down and get some." Ugh, I walked back down the stairs to get the napkins that were in my moms hand.
"Thanks." I was about to walk up the stairs when,
"You got your drinks?"
"Then come get em'!" I turned around to get the two Pepsi cans out of her hands. I walked up the stairs to my room and sat the food on my nightstand.
"Thanks for waiting on me."
"Your welcome." I rolled my eyes. Little smart ass.
"What game are we playing?" I looked up at Sam going through my endless video game collection.
"Hmm, here's one we haven't played in a while." She held up Assassin Creed.
"Yeah, pop that in." She inserted the disc into my Xbox one and grabbed the controllers. I handed her food and drink as the disc loaded. I took a bite of my burrito bowl and said "Game Time!"

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