That's Just Silly

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Maria P.O.V
"Blech, this school lunch is terrible." I said as I passed my "pizza" to the end of the table to throw it out.
"Why don't you just make your own lunch?" Sam said as she took a nice slow bite of her sandwich. "This is so good!"
I rolled my eyes, "Oh, shut up. Plus making my lunch takes time and energy, and I'm too lazy for that."
"You can always bring a Lunchable."
"Really? I'm in highschool, not first grade."
"You still love them though," She wiped her hands off with a napkin and handed it to me. "Could you throw this away for me?"
"Of course." I rolled my shoulders back, and rolled my neck back too. I was cracking my back when-
"While your done training for the Olympics, I have a napkin that stills need to be in the garbage."
"Fine, but I'm still cracking my knuckles." I cracked my knuckles and stood up. I stretched my arms once more, and got into lay up position.
"I been Steph Curry with the shot, been cooking with the sauce, chef curry with the pot boy! 360 with th-"
"Are you done, Jesus, we're not making Drake covers right now."
"Hater." I got back into position and shot.
And scored!
"Ball is life, ball is officially life people. Hey Kobe, tell me how my ass taste. Ball is life!" I walked by a couple of basketball players and screamed, "Ball is Life!"
"You right girl!" They high fived me, and continued walking to their seats.
"Calm down," I turned around to Sam, pulling my arm. "Plus it took you five years to shoot from two feet away."
I returned to my seat and calmed down. I looked into the doors of the Cafeteria to see Lexi walking into the room looking pissed with a giant blue shirt on. People started to laugh because she did look silly.
"Shut up!" She glared at everyone as she tried to make her way to her table.
"What happened?" I asked. She looked back to see who asked. "Lexi? What happened?" She turned around glaring but then she looked at me, and her gazed softened.
"Scoot over, I'll tell you."
I opened my string cheese, the only thing edible around here.
"I had on jeggings, with a regular white shirt on. But the jeggings were against school dress code, so Mr.Sci told me to go to the dean to get this giant blue shirt to go over my butt. It's quite sexist really.
"What do you mean?"
"The blue shirt is for humiliation purposes. Not to stop us. We have to pay 5 dollars to walk around looking stupid. Boys who sag, get a warning, then they get a belt. That they don't have to pay for! Like da faq? It's the schools way to slut shame girls. We're not allowed to wear jeggings, leggings, or yoga pants because it's a distraction. What? I can't wear something comfortable, because guys don't know how to control themselves? That's just silly. You understand?
"Yeah totally, your right, the school system is sexist."
"Let me tell you a story: In middle school a black girl comes to school, it's summer by the way. Anway, she comes to school, she's thick, so she has thighs and a booty. She has on some pretty short shorts, and gets sent out the class room for being a 'distraction'. Then a white girl comes in the class, wearing something even smaller that the black girl, but she's thinner than the black girl, and so she doesn't really have thighs and a booty. And yet, she doesn't get sent out the clas-"
"Wait, did this happen to you?"
"Ha, ha! Noo, I was a witness. Thanks. But to finish, when class ended, I talked to the teacher. He told me the same thing I told you,"
"How she was thinner than the other girl?"
"Yeah, told you it was pretty corrupt. Oh hey Jackson."
I look up to see a smiling Jackson.
"Oh hi Jackson, it's great to see you smiling after those knife wounds Evelyn left."
"Oh, very funny Maria." He said, emphasis on the Ma.
"Yup that's my name. Jackson."
"Mine too, ya little Sugar Honey Iced Tea. Let's go Lex."
"Oooo! Was that some flirting?" Sam squealed turning around.
"What? No! Jackson. Never! Why would you think that?
"What, he called you Sugar Honey Iced Tea!"
"Yeah, Sugar, Honey Iced Tea, S,H,I,T." Sam still looked confused.
"Shit, he called me Shit!"
"Yeah, no duh."
The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I walked out the lunchroom with Sam by my side.
"Aye, Maria!"
I turn around to see Marcus. Holy Lord, Son of Mary! He's calling my name. Not like I care or anything.
"Yes." I asked.
"Here." He tossed me an apple. "Lexi told me you didn't have much to eat. You can have that on the way to class."
"Uh, thanks."
"Your welcome." He said as he winked and walked off.
Sam put her chin on my shoulder. "Now was that flirting?"
"I don't know. Maybe he was being nice?"
Sam scoffed, "Of course. Lets just go to History class."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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