Ahhh, School

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Jackson P.O.V
I don't know where the teacher is but I don't care. I'm sitting here for first period Honors Math just cracking jokes and not giving any cares at all. Ella, Lexi and Marcus are laughing too, and cracking jokes with me. Marcus starts singing "Look at the flick of that wrist" and gets up on the table and starts dancing. He's a fool. The class quiets down for a minute, and starts to take out their things. What is going on? Then all of a sudden Lexi gets up, and starts to play teacher.
"Welcome class to Honors Math students..." What is she doing? Then it hits me, or I heard our Guidance Consoler saying
"Oh, nevermind, the teacher in there" She pokes her head in through the door and she says
"Have a good day kids" and walks away. I go up to the front of the class and high five Lexi.
"That was genius!" Ella who's right by her side asking
"Yeah, how'd you know she was coming?" Lexi replied
"I was chilling by the door watching Marcus dance on the table, and that's when I heard her high heels and walkie talkie."
Ella and Marcus chimed in "you guys wanna leave?"
" We can't leave the class, what are you talking about?" Ella answered.
"Yes we can. The teacher hasn't showed up, and it's been 15 minutes. Because of that we don't have to stay in class, but we have to be there for next period." Marcus butt in,
"So where are we going, the cafeteria, gym, the basement?"
All together we said " BASEMENT" Together we walked out the classroom, and headed for the basement.

We crossed a couple of halls to reach the door to the basement. I reached out and-- it's locked. I turned to Marcus,
"Bro it's locked"
"Move out the way young one. Let me do my magic." I rolled my eyes as he pulled out a paper clip to pick the lock. He jiggled the paper clip a little bit, and turned the knob, and it opened. Lexi gave him a high five him
"Good Job SON!" We stared at the passage way leading into the dark, dusty basement of the school. I cleared my throat
" Ladies First" I said as I pushed Lexi and Ella toward the door.
"No way José" Ella remarked. Ha ha ha. I get it. It's because I'm Mexican.
"Any way, why are you scared now? You weren't scared when you bust a hole in the tire of the principal's car. Hacked into the schools sound system and started playing ghetto rap music. Skip school and come back for lunch. If didn't scare you when you did all of that, but it scares you to walk down the stairs?"
Ella was right, I was being a little B. With a deep breath and a shaky leg I descended down the stairs.

Sooooo.... How was that chapter?
What do you think of Jackson? Ella? Lexi? Or Marcus?
Predicts want comes group comes next.
Good Bye ✌️😜😘

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