Or as Tiffany would say...

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I was pissed, my shoes cost $200 dollars! That I had to buy myself, might I add. And that trick just ruined them! I reached my locker to change into my slides, when I saw Ella and Lexi talking to, ugh, Evelyn. I stopped putting in my combination, and listened into their conversation a little bit more.
Cuz I'm nosey like that.
"Don't ever do that to Jackson again, you made him look like a fool!"
"You mean more than he already does?" Evenly snorted.
"Hey, just stay out the way, you don't know what we're capable of." Lexi remarked.
"And you don't think I'm capable of anything? Sweetie please, I'm like royalty at this school." Miss Wannabe Queen B, fired back. But you know what, who knows how long they've arguing, let Master Jack walk on the scene.
"Well how about this." I said startling the girls.
"Wait, when did you get here?" Ella asked.
"It doesn't matter, but how about this?" I said turning to Evelyn,
"You stay out of our way and we stay out ours. No fights, no drama. Deal?"
Evelyn looked at me unsure but gave in. "Deal."
"Great," I said clapping my hands together. "Wait!" I called after Evelyn, "These are for you." I took off my stained shoes and dropped them in her hands. "200 bucks. Just for you."

As I walked away, I turned around to see Evelyn. She looked pissed, and I was happy to return the favor.
Lexi had caught up at my locker and put her hand on my shoulder.
"What you did back there was boss."
"Or as Tiffany would say, "Sllllaaaayyyy!"" I mimicked her with a overly high and peppy voice.
"Ha, ha, ha, true. But, uh, where you going to next?"
"Really? No sh-"
She stopped herself from swearing as a teacher walked passed.
"Wow, from the first time, you actually stopped swearing when a teacher walked passed."
"Hey, shut up. Plus that's Mrs.Morrow. She would drag your a55 to the student services my the ear if you swore near her."
She was right about that.
"Mrs. Morrow is the strictest teacher we have at this school. Plus she is annoying as fu🙅🙇."
"True that. Well I got to get going, our Honors Reading class is in our Media Center, which is across the school.
"Are you sure your going to make it? I mean, I can get you a pass."
"Nah, but thanks. You my nig-" She smiled at Mrs. Morrow, who walked pass again. Doesn't she has a class to teach? Mine preferably?
"You my ninja, yeah my ninja." And with that we went our separate ways.

I sighed and couldn't help but smile when the bell rang. "She is going to be late as f."

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