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*1 Week Later*
Evelyn's P.O.V
I was sitting at my table talking to my friends Tiffany and Hannah when Jackson and his friends walk in and sit down. When he turns around to talk to Marcus, I give him a nasty look.
"What was that for?" Hannah asked.
"You don't know?" Tiffany inquired.
" Yeah, I didn't tell her."
"Because I didn't."
"Why?" Can she stop asking questions? Geesh!
"Well it doesn't matter let me tell her now." Tiffany rolled her eyes, obviously not satisfied with my answer. "Well," I started."Remember when me and Jackson were dating?" Hannah nodded her head following along.
"Yeah, we like, broke up."
Tiffany gave a gasp. "No, really?" Her voice was sarcastic clearly not liking my description of the story. I mean can you blame me? I don't like talking about my break ups.
"Here let me tell it. Hannah, ya listening?" Hannah turned her head abruptly.
"Yeah" she replied. I sat back in my chair, my lips pursed. I thought it was funny Tiffany would be telling my break up story.
"So Evelyn and Ja-" she was cut short by my bottle crashing on the ground my juice spilling on the floor. I sat up looking for who did it.
My eyes met Jackson's his face with a smirk on it. "Sorry hoe!" He said with a fake smile.
"You might want to pick that up, I don't want it to stain my Nikes." And with that he walked away chuckling. "Hey get back here! You don't just knock my stuff on the ground and not even say sorry!"
He didn't turn around.
"Hey Jackson! I'm talking to you!" I sighed forced to get the paper towels myself. Then it hit me. Literarily the paper towels hit me.
"Heads up!" Jackson said.
I clutched my forehead.
"You okay?" I looked up to see Tiffany and Hannah.
"Do I look okay! I just got hit in the head by a pare towel roll!" I didn't mean to snap off like that but really? I shook off the pain and grabbed my bottle.
"What are doing?"
"You'll see"
"Wait, do you need help?"
"No I got this." I walked over to Jackson and pretended to almost cry,
"Why would you do that?" I fake sniffled. My eyes drifted to the side to see the whole class was watching us. "I'm sorry, I didn't--" He cut short by my Red Hawaiian Punch being poured on his white shoes. Now it was my turn to smirk. I jabbed my finger in his chest and stepped closer.
"That's for spilling my drink." I stepped closer and stepped on his shoe and dragged my foot across it, making sure to leave a dirt mark.
"And that's for hitting me with that roll," I pushed him away.
"Now go clean yourself up." "
You little ugh!" He said as he stomped out the class. I heard the cheers from the class congratulating me on my victory.
"Slay, girl, Slayyyyyy!!" Tiffany cheered.
"Yeah you were great up there. You totally put him in his place" Hannah added snapping her fingers in Z formation.
"Thank you, thank you!" I said bowing. "Now, let's gather our stuff up for the next class." We gathered our books together as soon as that loud bell rang.
"Hannah when we get to our next class I'll tell you what happened between me and uh, Mr. Red shoes over there." I nudged my shoulder toward Jackson walking back to the class, his face red and his shoes the same. Hannah laughed, "Okay, I can't wait. "
"So you mean to tell me that you guys dated over the summer, kissed Michael while you were dating, told Jackson you wanted to break up for Michael, then he told you he kissed Brittany and what no problem of breaking up with you because he liked Brittney, and it turned out Michael didn't want to date you anyway?"
"Yup," I replied. "There's more to it of course buts that's pretty much what happened." I shrugged my shoulders while i said that.
Hannah scoffed, "I knew your relationship was screwed from the beginning."
"Waddya mean? We were fine in the beginning, we just liked other people... in the end."
"I remember when you told me, that you and Jackson were dating. I knew it wasn't going to last. I mean you guys are to differnt, at two different places. He's the funny one, the one who doesn't care about getting in trouble. You on the other hand, you care about school and getting in trouble, you have an image that you hold. Even if it lasted longer, he would have dragged you along on one of his crazy shanagans and you probably have gotten in trouble or probably hurt you, a know, all the girls have a crush on him." Hannah sighed, but maybe she was right? "Don't hate me when I say this, but I'm glad you guys broke up. I didn't want to see something happen to you."
"Coolies." That was all I could say. Wow, just wow. I'm glad she cared for me, but wow.
Biology ended and I walked out the classroom looking for Tiffany. Hannah had to talk to the teacher about something when I was stopped by the one and only Lexi and Ella.
"Hey you listen here..."

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