10. Resplendent

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Resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.

A/N: I really enjoy the comments you guys have been leaving. It pushes me to write better and faster. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for how long the last chapter was!

I promise next chapter things will be chock-full of smut. I'll publish it tomorrow since I'm off

Olympia's eyes had surely deceived her. Her best friend surely didn't just walk in on her in a heated snogging session with Fred Weasley. Oh my god! She just had a major snog session with Fred Weasley.

Fred sat next to her on the edge of the bed in total silence. She had her face in her hands, contemplating what the hell just happened. She couldn't help but think back to that night in the muggle club. Fred had told her he couldn't kiss her. It broke her so much that she left, but here they were.

Olympia felt his eyes on her as she thought. Finding the situation funnier than it actually was, she started laughing. Due to her face being buried in her hands, Fred assumed she was crying. "Shit, I didn't mean to make you cry I couldn't restrain myself anymore, Olympia. You knew exactly what you were doing when you asked Malfoy to be you-" Olympia threw her head back, slapping her hands against the mattress.

She was very clearly laughing now and it made Fred's face grow red. "Are you fucking laughing right now?" Fred said between chuckles. They both simultaneously broke out into a fit of giggles.

"Your bloody brother just saw us snogging!" Olympia let out in between hysterical laughter. "I can't believe it." She turned to finally face the ginger.

"I can. Listen, Ollie. I have been trying to build up the courage to tell myself I'm enough for you, alright?" Fred was barely making eye contact now. It was very rare that he ever had to be serious. The last time she'd seen Fred this serious was when he had to reject her.

Olympia felt like she was standing on the side of a deep pool with her back facing the water, it's ripples highlighted with the moonlight. The remainder of Fred's rejection felt as if it kicked her in the stomach, sending her backward in slow motion to the pool. It was almost as if she could feel the cold water splash her delicate skin, the white sheer clothing becoming soaked in the water. Instead of resurfacing, she was slowly pulled into the deep, dark water.

"Olympia?" Fred's voice called, muffled by the sound of water. Suddenly, in this vision, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to the surface. The first breath she took after being taken out of the water felt like a rebirth.

"Olympia!" Fred finally woke her from her trance-like state.

"We shouldn't have kissed, Fred." Olympia panicked as she slipped her shoes back on and stuck her mask back on her face. Fred did the same, but before he put his mask on, he pressed his lips against her abruptly.

She could never get used to the feeling of his soft-as-a-pillow lips against hers. Olympia melted in his touch and loosely wrapped her arms around his neck. "If you'd like, you can spend the remaining time of summer at the burrow. Mum misses you." He used the pad of his thumb to stroke her cheek.

"You really want me back there?" Olympia's eyes found him and she held his gaze, a smile creeping on her face.

"I do. Everyone does. Ever since you left the burrow it's been colder. Dull, even." He planted a kiss on her forehead before exiting the bedroom. She had a lot to think about. First, she had to confront Ron. What better way to do that than force him to do the very thing he's shit at.

Olympia found Ron hiding out near the snack table, mouth full of turkey. "Put the food down. I need to talk to you. Let's dance." She forced him to drop his food on the table and took the lead of him to the dance floor. Since Ollie was a profound dancer, she took lead and Ron followed.

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