7. Hiraeth

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Hiraeth- Homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret. The feeling of longing for a home that never was.

Olympia woke comfortably. The sounds of clanking upstairs pulled her from her sleep. Her arms were wrapped around a warm body. The body belonged to Gabriel.

"Bloody hell." She whispered, mostly to herself. She'd gotten off of him and pulled her dress from the previous night on. The sounds from upstairs woke Gabriel up as well.

"What time is it?" He rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of his blurry vision. "Wait.." Once he took in the scenery, the memories they made together last night came crashing back.

Instead of panicking the two of them looked each other in the eyes and started laughing. "We did that. Together." They said at the same time. This was followed by another laugh.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and see what that noise is. It sounds like your whole house is being torn down." Olympia exaggerated. Gabriel informed her that he was just going to get up anyway. With a nod, the two finished making themselves presentable.

Olympia used a charm to transfigure her dress from dinner into a nice overall dress with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she wore black flats.

Approaching the hall at the DuPont Residence, house-elves were working tirelessly. Loretta was using magic to help the elves with heavy lifting. "Good job, guys. Take a small break. Oh, Olympia! You're awake." She acknowledged her son and the guest.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for sleeping past breakfast. Guess I was tired from travels." Olympia spoke. A warm arm was placed over her shoulder, Gabriel. "What's all the redecorating for?"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked. I'm throwing you a ball. Elegant gowns, masks, the whole event. I'm going to let you pick the guests. I'll have the owl send out the invitations." Loretta explained. Her eyes lit up as she spoke about it as if it were the most exciting thing in the world.

"That sounds like an amazing idea! Is it okay if I deliver the Weasleys' invitations in person next week? I need to go to Diagon alley anyway. I'll see George and F..." Olympia froze in her sentence and looked at her feet. "Fred." It took a lot in her to say his name.

"I'll go with you, Ollie," Gabriel spoke softly. Catherine, who was helping string lights with the Wingardium Leviosa spell, lost her focus.

"I'll go too." Catherine loved getting out of the house. It's part of the reason she wanted to be the one to go to King's Cross and retrieve Olympia. Gabriel rolled his eyes at Catherine and just kissed Olympia's forehead.

Loretta and Cat both looked at the two in shock but didn't ask any questions. A dark blush appeared on Olympia's cheeks.

A week went by and it was nothing. She had become accustomed to a routine. Her schedule looked as follows;

7:40 am- Wake up and get ready

8:30 am- Breakfast with The DuPonts, Draco, and Blaise

9:00 am- Study with Loretta

Noon- Lunch

12:40 noon- Finish Studying with Loretta

1:00 pm- Read or work out

3:00 pm- spend time with Draco, Blaise, Gabe, and the cat

6:30 pm- Dinner with the Duponts

7:00 pm- Casual, after-dinner dancing

8:00 pm- Desert

9:00 pm- Write to friends

10:00 pm- Bed.

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