14. Acquisition

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Acquisition- is the act of getting or receiving something, or the item that was received.

Trigger Warning: mentions of eating disorder, abuse

Over the next year, everything went smoothly. There was a known ritual, or schedule, that Olympia followed. Everyday she'd wake up in Fred's arms then go downstairs to help Molly prepare breakfast. After breakfast she'd answer letters from Draco, Gabriel, Catherine, and Mrs. DuPont. She'd applied for jobs at many hospitals, but she hadn't finished her training so she had no money.

It made her feel like shit having to rely on her boyfriend of a year for supplies and living. She refused to see her dad after finding out he'd lie to her about her mother. Olympia had Arthur as a father figure. The Weasley house hold was like family. Bill and Olympia got over their awkward phase and became quite close friends.

Bill and Fleur were actually expecting a child. Fleur decided she wanted the child to know both English and French for when and if they decided to return home from London. Olympia knew that the baby would come out as one of the most adorable children she'd ever seen.

Ginny and Harry were finally talking about living together. Ginny was playing for a major quidditch team and Harry was a training auror with a stable income. Some nights Olympia would leave to go downstairs while Fred was asleep for some water. She'd catch the two embracing on the couch in front of the fire and talking about the future. Harry always wanted children of his own. He would finally be getting that with her.

Gabriel and Blaise, out of nowhere, admitted their feelings for one another to Olympia in a letter. Olympia couldn't help but be excited for the couple and applauded them for their bravery. She always did find them to be quite cute. "Friends."

Ron and Hermione spontaneously began dating one day and ever since they'd been going strong. Instead of slapping him over the head when he said something stupid she would just snicker and take his hand in hers. It was such a romantic gesture. They'd both genuinely grown so much.

George and Catherine had a small fling, but the only girl that could keep George's attention was Angelina Johnson. Angelina and Olympia had grown quite close. They both dated twins and were healers. Angelina was quite an activist and had spent an afternoon introducing Olympia to a whole new world.

Fred and Olympia had gotten stronger than ever. They'd always find ways to touch each other and give each other compliments throughout the day. If she was tired from training he'd let her sleep on him. If he was stressed from work at the shop, she'd help him relax then let him sleep on her. It was just pure love. They always were in love and it was obvious. That's why when Olympia brought him lunch on the third of October, everything changed.

She had spent the entire morning preparing a nice lunch for Fred. She made some of her favorite muggle treats for him and packed them in a nice paper brown bag. On the bag, she wrote "for my hard working boyfriend." A little grin spread on her face as she taped the bag shut.

Olympia put on the cutest outfit she could. Some jeans with a yellow and white striped sweater. It complimented her skin and made her hair pop. She used her wand to apparate in front of the shop doors. They opened upon her presence and she stepped inside the bustling store that could never seemed to lose business. A genius investment. George greeted her at the door with his award winning smile and directed her to the office where Fred was usually doing paper work.

Everything was typical so far until she noticed the office door was shut. He must have been doing some very important work and she knew better than to disturb him. She sat his sacked lunch on the counter and decided to help one of the cashiers with their job while she waited for him. Olympia tapped her fingers against the counter of the shop for what seemed like forever.

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