Chapter 5

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The next few day's go by without incident and surprisingly, Kelly hasn't bothered me. Levi and I are heading to our last class before lunch as im digging in my bag as we walk.

                                      LIZZIE'S POV

"Shit!, where did I put that book?". "Hey Levi!". "I have to quickly run back to my locker, I forgot something".

"I'll come with you!".

"No, it's ok, really!". "I don't want the both of us to be late for class".

"Are you sure, Sweetheart?".

"Yeah, i'm sure". "Go!, I won't be long".

I kiss his cheek, sending him on his way. Rummaging through my locker for my book's, I feel someone walk past and bump into me. Annoyed I whip around to confront the person.

"Hey!". "Watch where you're goi!"... "Oh, it's you". "What do you want, Kelly?".

"Shut up, Freak!".

Kelly shoves me hard into my locker, making me fall to the floor.

"Listen to me". "And listen to me good, BITCH". Stay away from, Levi. He is MINE!. Understand me, BITCH!.

She kicks me hard in the stomach several times before walking off. She spits out one final warning at me.

"And don't say a fucking word about this to, Levi". "Got it, Bitch?".

And with that she is gone. I get up slowly holding my stomach, wincing from the pain. Levi, comes running down the hall.

"Shit!, Lizzie". "What happened to you?"."Who did this?".

I thought for sure he would have seen who did this, it was literally only a matter of seconds between.

I push his hands away from me, remembering, Kelly's word's. 'Stay away from him, bitch!'.

"I'm fine, Levi". "It's nothing". "Really!".

"Lizzie, don't lie to me". "What happened?".


His eyes go wide with surprise at the way I am suddenly talking to him. He steps away from me.

"Ok!". "I'll leave you alone". "But I know something is wrong, Lizzie". "When you are ready to talk, i'm here for you".

He walks off back to class leaving me standing in the hallway about to break down. I wipe the tears from my eye's grabbing my stuff.

I head back to class picking a spot further away from Levi, this time as he looks at me confused. Kelly, notices and smirks to herself.

At the end of the day I pack my stuff quickly and bolt from the class and head home before, Levi can stop me or ask any more questions. Once home I lock myself in my room avoiding everyone and everything breaking down once I am in the safety of my own room.

'How could I be so stupid to think I could ever have, Levi'.

I drift off that night to another nightmare and restless slumber.

        YOUNG LIZZIE POV (Age 12)
I heard them walk into my bedroom whispering to each other, trying to be quite but failing miserably.

"Damn, Ian?". "You weren't kidding when you said she was beautiful". "Have you sampled her yet?".

"Of course I've sampled her, boss". "I told you she was fucking amazing, Man". "So do we have a deal?". "I let you have her for an hour and my debt is paid off, free and clear".

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now