Chapter 16

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                                LIZZIE'S POV

"Come on, sweetheart". "We're going to be late".

I'm not entirely sure how we ended up running late, ok, I know exactly how. In hindsight we should have taken separate showers, but I just can't seem to get enough of this man now that I am comfortable with being intimate with him.

Now we are literally running through the airport trying to not miss our flight.....(Gate 57 will be closing in five minute).

"Come on, Sweetheart". "We're going to miss our flight".

"I'm trying, I can't run that fast".

Levi, grab's my hand pulling me behind him, running for the gate just barely making it.

"That was close!". "Next time we take separate showers".

"Next time!?".

I raise my eyebrow at him and just grin. We finally get our tickets stamped and walk down the isle of the plane, finding our seat's as the plane takes off.

I like that this plane only had two seat's per row, I'm a little shy still when it comes to PDA infront of strangers. The flight ended up being eight hour's and I sleep most of it, except the hour that, Levi decided to make me a member of the mile high club.

I thought fucking in a bathroom would of been disgusting, but if I'm being completely honest, getting fucked in a tiny bathroom thirty thousand feet in the air is kind of exhilarating.

Finally after a long eight hour's the plan land's and we all file off, hailing a cab. The hotel is amazing, and the view is stunning.

"Babe, this is incredible!".

"Just like you, Sweetheart"... "Are you hungry?".

"Starving, but not for food".

I give him a sligh, mischievous grin.

"Does your pussy need attention again, greedy girl".

"Alway's with you, Baby". "You know that I can't get enough of that thick cock you hide in those pants".

"Mmmm, FUCK!". "I love when you talk dirty to me, Sweetheart". "Such a filthy mouth for a dirty girl, MY dirty girl".

He kisses me sweetly on the lip's pressing and deepening the kiss.

"Mmmm, so do you want food first or fun?".

"You decide, Babe".

"Well!". "If we do fun first, then I have to let you get dressed later for food". "If we eat first, then I can keep you naked the rest of the evening".

"Mmmm, I love the way you think, Mr. Jacob's"... "Ok, let's go eat first".

I kiss him a few more times before we head out to the restaurant that's just down stairs in the lobby of the hotel.

"So what do you think?". "I had to make reservations a month in advance".

"Babe, it's amazing!". "And the food smells incredible".

The waiter comes over to our table taking our drink order's.

"Good evening, Madam, Missouri". "I'll be your waiter, Pedro for this evening". "Can I get you started on something to drink?.

"Yes!". "We'll have a bottle of your best wine, and two glasses".

"Very good, Sir". "I'll bring that right to your table".

Levi, reaches his hand over the table grabbing mine, kissing my knuckles.

"You are so beautiful, Sweetheart".

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now