Chapter 12

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Name: Dr. Joanna.
Age: 37.
Occupation: Therapist.
Status: N/A.

                        On with the story!.


"So, Lizzie". "What brings you here today?".

                                   LIZZIE'S POV

It's been three week's since, Levi, confronted me again about my nightmares. The next day after we talked, we started searching the internet for a therapist. Three week's of not finding... The one!. Finally we came across a woman that came highly recommended to us. So now here I sit in another office with a pit in my stomach and a tummy full of nerves.

I glance around the office as my anxiety start's to skyrocket.

"We can talk about anything you want, Lizzie". "I'm here for you, this is your time".

'My time?'. What exactly does that even mean?. 'Does she even want to be here?'. 'Is she silently judging me too?'.

"I-I don't know what to say".

"Well!". "How about we start with, how are you feeling?".

"Uh!". "I feel nervous, scared, anxious, petrified".

"Mmmk!". "You know this is a safe space". "Right, Lizzie?". "Can you tell me why you feel the way you do?".

I look down at my hands, shaking and petrified.

"Lizzie!?". "What are you afraid of?".

I finally look up at her taking a deep breath as I whisper.

"W-what if this doesn't work". "What if I tell you everything and you just end up judging me?". "I can't take that risk, I can't get judged".

"Lizzie, my job is to listen and not judge people". "I wouldn't be professional if I go back on that now, would I?".

I look down at my fingers again before answering in a whisper.

"N-no, I guess not".

"So can you tell me why you are here, Lizzie?". "Take your time, you don't have to rush".


I pause for just a moment before I continue.

"My, Mom died when I was young, I just had my fifth birthday". "She was the best, Mom ever". "We did everything together".

"That sound's wonderful, Lizzie". "How did she pass?".

"She battled cancer for almost six year's". "She had been in remission but then relapsed again just before my fifth birthday".

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now