Chapter 10

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    AUTHOR NOTE: New pictures for Young Kelly (age 6). And Young Becky (age 6) on the bottom of the Preface page 1.                       

                                       LEVI'S POV

Two day's have passed since, Lizzie had her melt down infront of the, Doctor. The, Doctor unfortunately had to give her a little something to calm her down so she wouldn't be a danger to herself, or anyone else for that matter. We still don't exactly know what set her off or why she reacted the way she did, because she just won't talk about it. And I am no closer to understanding any of this either.

Fortunately the, Doctor has decided to let, Lizzie go home today. So I am just standing here, admiring her as she gets her thing's together.

"You just about ready to go, Sweetheart?".

"Almost!". "I just have to close this dang suitcase, then I'm done". "Can you go see if my discharge paper's are ready yet!?".

"Of course, Sweetheart". "I'll be right back".

I give, Lizzie a quick kiss and head out to find the nurse to get the necessary documents to sign so Lizzie can finally leave this place. I head out to the nearest nurse's station desk.

"Excuse me!".

One of the nurse's look's up from her keyboard a little annoyed.

"How can I help you"... "Sir?".

"Oh, um". "I was just wondering if I could get the paperwork for, Lizzie Mathew's". "She's being discharged today".

"Oh, let me see what I can find out, Mr.?".

She gives me a side glance, arching her eyebrow wondering just exactly who I am.

"Oh i'm, Levi Jacob's"... "The boyfriend".

She gives me a straight mouthed smile.

"I'll see what I can find out Mr. Jacob's".

"Thank you for your time, ma'am".

I turn on my heel and head back to the room that, Lizzie is in.

"Hey, beautiful". "The nurse at the desk said she would see what she could find out for us". "It might take a little time though".... "How are you feeling?".

Lizzie, kind of looks at me annoyed just a little.

"I'm ok, Levi". "I just want to go home". "I'm tired of this place".

"I know, Sweetheart". "Come!, sit with me"... "Please!".

She sets the last of her thing's in her bag and walks over and curls up on my lap, I wrap my arms around her waist as she snuggles into me.

"I love you, Lizzie".

"I love you too, Levi".

                                   LIZZIE'S POV

The silence grows thick in the room as it becomes quiet, like I'm off remembering something distant.

When I was little, like around six or so, I used to be friend's with all the girl's that tease and make fun of me now. We were best friend's actually, then when my, Mom passed away they stopped coming over less and less which made it more and more easier for my, Dad to do the thing's to me that he did. I remember one time...

           YOUNG LIZZIE POV (Age 6).
             Becky and Kelly same age.

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now