Chapter 6

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                                        LEVI'S POV

It's been a couple day's since seeing, my girl. She decided to spend some girl time with, Sam over the weekend and was supposed to get a ride from her to school today. But when I called to check in, Lizzy never answered. And when I called Sam, she said, Lizzie had already left for school when she got up. Instantly I panicked so now I am rushing to school to see if I can find her.

When I round the corner into the courtyard, I see and hear some kid's hollering and cheering in a circle. I push my way through the crowd and am instantly horrified by what I see. Kelly, is over top of, Lizzie literally kicking the shit out of her. She must have been at it for some time because, Lizzie is all bloody and bruised. I scream for, Kelly to Get the hell off of her. I push her away holding, Lizzie in my arms. I look up at, Kelly fuming with rage.


Kelly just stands there, no remorse on her face as she speaks.

"I just did what I told her I would do if she didn't listen to me". "She got what she asked for, Levi". "I warned her to stay away from you, she didn't listen'. "So I beat her ass".


"It would have been worth it, Baby".

All I could think was.... Is this crazy bitch for real?.

"Stay the fuck away from me, from us!". "Crazy bitch!!".

                                    LIZZIE'S POV

I know when I got up this morning I was supposed to get a ride to school with, Sam, but when I peaked into her room to wake her she just looked so peaceful.

I didn't have the heart to wake her. So I walked to school, I had plenty of time. When I arrived, Kelly was there. She confronted me again about, Levi. She was so pissed. I didn't even have time to defend myself and she was on me, beating me. It felt like I was going to die, but then I heard his sweet voice and felt, Kelly being pulled away from me.

Then all I feel is warmth, enveloping me. The last thing I feel is being lifted by a strong set of arm's before I pass out. I wake up with a massive headache, dazed and confused. When I try to move I am met with excruciating pain from head to toe. I focus my eye's and realize that I am in the treehouse, Levi's treehouse. But how did I get here?.


Levi, leans forward in a chair into my line of site. I try to sit up but can't.

"I'm here, Sweetheart". "Don't move, just try and relax".

'W-what happened?". "Why am I here?". "And why the hell am I in so much pain?".

"Do you remember anything that happened today?".

I lay back for a moment trying to think.

"Well!". "I was supposed to get a ride from Sam, but I decided to go on my own so she could sleep". "I remember making it to school, and then"..."I don't remember". "Why do I hurt so bad, Levi?". "What happened to me?".

                                       LEVI'S POV

All I could think was...'How the FUCK am I supposed to tell the woman I love that she got her ass beat because of me?'. 'How the fuck do I do that?'.

"Levi?, what happened to me?".

In a small whispered voice I spew out the word's I so desperately dread to say.

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now