Chapter 13

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                                    LIZZIE'S POV

"So, who do we have here with us today, Lizzie?".

"Oh!". "This is, Levi". "My rock". "My Boyfriend".

The therapist reaches out her hand to shake, Levi's.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Levi". "What brings you here today?".

"I'm just here for support!".

Levi look's over to me and nods his head.

"Tell her what happened last night, Sweetheart". "It's ok".

"Come, let's go into my office, Lizzie".

We head into her office taking a seat on the couch as she sit's in the chair across from us.

"So, you said something happened last night". "Can you tell me about that, Lizzie?".

Levi, grab's ahold of my hand again, squeezing it reassuringly.

"It's ok, Sweetheart". "You can tell her".

I take a moment to steady my breath before speaking.

"I had a bad dream, y-you were i-in it".

The therapist furrows her brow in confusion.

"What do you mean by 'I was in your dream'?.

"I mean, you were part of it". "You knew my, Dad in my dream". "He wanted to introduce you to me". "What we did was supposed to be a secret". "You weren't supposed to know, Daddy wasn't supposed to say anything". "You judged me!". "Said I was a slut for what happened to me".

"Oh, Lizzie!". "You know I would never really do that to you".... "Right?". "I want to help you get through what happened to you so you can move forward with your life". "And by the look on this man's face, I can tell that he wants that for you to".

She look's over at, Levi and smile's brightly.

"I love her more than I have ever loved anyone". "She is literally my everything.

"I can see that, Mr. Jacob's".

The therapist turns back, looking at me again.

"So, Lizzie". "We talked the other day about you opening up and talking about your, Dad". "Do you think you can do that for me today?.

Levi, squeezes my hand a little tighter, smiling reassuringly.

"You are safe, Sweetheart". "Do you think you can tell her what happened?".

"I-I can try".

"That's my good girl". ""Just take your time, Sweetheart".

"Ok"... "Well, thing's were great before my, Mom passed away". "Up until a few month's after my fifth birthday, then thing's just".... "Changed!". "One night there was a bad storm and my, Dad used to call it the monster's, he'd ask me if the monster's were playing to loud". "He'd let me sleep in his bed beside him because I was scared when the monsters would play, but there was one night that was different, one night where everything changed". "It was just light touches at first, he would glide his hand along my arm's".

"He said he just needed to feel my touch". "He said it made him feel better". "Then his hands started wandering further under my clothes, caressing my private areas". "That's around the time that he said that it was ok for what was happening, but to still maybe keep it secret so I wouldn't get him in trouble". "It started happening more often as time went on". "He would play with me down there, said he could make me feel good". "It really hurt though when I was younger". "His fingers were to big and would stretch my private place to much".

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now