Part 27- results day

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Just to let you guys know the results I'm using for y/n in this chapter are my own from this year. The results will be in the subjects I did so if you I don't like those subjects I'm sorry I just needed something specific.  I'm also going to explain gcses and British schooling system at the end of the chapter if anyone is confused.

So its 3am and I haven't slept yet I tried to fall asleep but I'm just too nervous, I have at least been a bit productive while I've been up I have been editing a video I recorded with Tommy and Alex ages ago. I also FaceTimed Tommy again knowing he would be up and we worked on things together while talking. He tried his best to calm me down and it did work a little bit but as soon as I was left to think for a few seconds all my anxiety came back.

Before I knew it it was 6am and I hadn't got an ounce of sleep which calls for more caffeine today to get me through at least the morning before I can take a nap. I decided to get up and get ready because that would waste time until I could meet Toby. I put on some jeans and a yellow cropped vest top because its meant to be warm today, I also did some simple makeup but left my hair all natural. My parents were awake so I had breakfast with them before texting Toby to see if he was up and willing to meet earlier than we planned.

You: can we meet in like 30 minutes I'm so nervous I just need to get out the house

Tubs🐝: yeah of course I'll see you then

With that I said goodbye to my parents promising to text or call them to tell them what I got and started my walk to Toby's house. I had headphones which made the thoughts in my head less excruciating to listen to but they were still pretty prominent, why do I always have to get so anxious? The route to Toby's is second nature by this point so I didn't have to pay a huge amount of attention to where I was and knew straight away when I had arrived, I text him to say I was there incase his parents weren't up yet. He came running right out of the house with a smile on his face like always, how can he not be nervous right now?

We decided to go to the park near the school so when it was time we could head straight there. He kept me distracted the whole time we had to wait knowing exactly how I get sometimes, he's always been good at reading my emotions even better I am at times.

The time came at 7:50 for us to head to the school, the last time either of us were going to be there because we are going to separate collages. There was a few people there already but not too many, more and more arrived the longer we waited.

By this point my hands were shaking and I was full on freaking out, the stress I was feeling right now was worse than when we were doing the actual exams. At 8:00 on the dot we were allowed to go in and thats when me and Toby had to separate to go to the different desks that correlated with our surnames. It got the envelope which held my future in it and took it outside to meet Toby so we could go back to the park to open them. I saw a few of my teachers along the way wanting to know how I did but I told them I hadn't opened them yet and moved on not wanting to disappoint anyone.

Once at the park I FaceTimed Tommy and Toby set his phone up to record the both of us. My feelings of just wanting to open them and find out had changed and now I didn't want to look knowing once I had I couldn't go back. Toby didn't want to read his out so I did it for him, he did really well he got all of the grades he wanted and even better on some. I was so proud of him for passing English because he struggled with that subject but my tutoring at times obviously helped. Next it was my turn and I wanted to look at my own incase I did bad at least I would know first. I opened the envelope and pulled out the paper seeing all of my grades in front of me, my eyes scanned over them all before I read them out.

Business: 9 (A**)

English language: 7 (A)

English literature: 7

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