Part 39- disc time

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This chapter is only lore and I have started writing lore a bit differently now so I hope you enjoy

L'manburg had been defeated for the last time. As of a week ago it lost all its cannon lives with the help of me, techno and dream. We put endless amounts of tnt and withers in the place and basically stripped it back to bedrock in some areas.

I was sad to see it go I really was. This is where I went when I joined the server it was my home for my entire time here but it was its time to go. Everything has its time and l'manburg was starting to cause more problems than the good it was doing for people, everyone needed to move on especially Tommy. L'manburg is what has been holding him back from getting what he really wants which is the discs and helping destroy l'manburg is my round about way of helping not that he sees that of course I'm just the traitor now but just they wait and see.

Tonight is the night that we get those discs back for good no more messing around getting distracted or making excuses it's now or never and I'm going to do everything I can to help.

Tommy and Tubbo are on their way to meet dream at a random location so everyone lined up along the prime path to bid them a goodbye just incase it was the last time we see them. I really hope they both make it out alive but they only have one life left and dream is insane so there is a good chance that they won't. I arranged everyone to come to the path and say goodbye because I think it will give them a morale boost and give them the last bit of motivation they might need. I stood at the end to be the last person to say goodbye and apologise for betraying them.

"Good luck you two I know you can do this but just in case I want to say that I'm sorry for betraying you I had the best intentions and I promise that I'll do anything I can to help you in this last battle" I said

"Thank you y/n" Tubbo said

"Don't worry about the past its over now I forgive you just promise me that you won't miss me too much if I don't come back" Tommy said

"I don't think I can promise that but I'll try" I said with tears flowing down my face

Tommy wiped my tears before walking off into the distance leaving all of us just watching them as their figures became smaller and smaller and it really sunk in that they may never walk this path again. I walked back to thank everyone for coming like I asked when punz came over. He was walking at a very fast pace clearly kind of stressed, following behind him was Sam also looking like he had something to say. The both of them stopped in front of me giving me a look indicating that we needed to talk so everyone walked out the community house to hear them out.

"Y/n dream plans to kill Tommy and Tubbo before they even have the chance to get the discs but I think we can stop it" Sam said

"Woah wait so dream plans to kill the both of them but we can help please explain" I said

"Dream has a secret base where he's going to take them and kill them, all we have to do is get in through the portal which isn't too hard" he explained

"But we will need a troop we will need everyone to help us" punz said

"Ok well everyone who's in raise their hand" I said to the entire group

Everyone raised their hand realising that they all have some reason to hate dream and to want to bring him down and that was that. Sam and punz told us all to gather our best gear just incase and then to meet at Tommy's old house.

We all stuck together and went to each persons house just to keep safe because none of us know if punz and Sam are lying or if dream will come and kill us. It felt like we were a real group as if everyone was on the same team with the same purpose for once, no countries no more grudges we were working together. I felt like I had accomplished something today by getting everyone together it felt like my heart had been fulfilled.

Once everyone was fully geared up punz took the lead and lead us to dreams secret base which he said was a long way away so we had to go quick just incase dream was taking them back there already. He wasn't wrong when he said it was a long way away we had to go through land I've never seen before and go over so much water and even some ice which was kind of fun actually the boat went so fast over the ice and some people were sliding around like crazy.

After a long time travelling we reached this super far out bit of desert where there was a portal which would apparently take us into dreams base. Punz made us stop because he said it wasn't time yet I'm not sure how he knows that but we've come so far that we just have to trust him and hope that he isn't just letting Tommy or Tubbo or even both die in there.

The wait was so anxiety inducing it felt like there was something that we could be doing to help or that we were going to miss judge the timing and be too late to save them. If we don't save them I'm going to feel awful because I promised to do anything I could to help and I even told myself that if I failed I was going to leave because I just can't handle the grief. I was soon snapped out of my awful thoughts and right into fight mode.

"It's time everyone pile in" punz said

Everyone tried their best to fit into the portal all at once so that we all arrived together, the portal took its effect and my vision became fuzzy and purple until we teleported into this huge base built with insane amounts of materials. There was stuff everywhere and all of it belonged to others on the server, there was the axe of peace, friend, Henry and all sorts of other things. Not only that but the discs were just laying there on the floor either side of the steps to the portal.

Punz and sam said a few things to dream before we all went towards him letting Tommy and Tubbo get behind us to protect them. I wanted to face dream first because I know he's got nothing on me and no real reason to kill me unlike some of the others so there was less danger involved.

"Did you really think you could just manipulate these two or kill them all because you want some stupid music discs that mean nothing to you" I said

"They might mean nothing to me but they mean everything to Tommy so they had to go attachment gives people hope and thats why there is all of these things in here I want people weak" he sneered

"Hasn't gone well for you has it because none of us are that attached to objects we are attached to the people around us because its not objects that give us hope its people" I said

Dream tried to lunge at me with his sword in hand but sapnap stood in front of me to stop him and Tommy came up next to me to make sure I was ok. Sapnap talked to dream before he allowed Tommy take over, Tommy made dream put all his things in a hole just like he made him do in exile and blew them up. You could almost feel the power shift in the room dream wasn't in control anymore everyone was sharing the power equally so that this couldn't happen again.

To finally end dreams reign over everyone Tommy wanted to kill him which lets be honest we were all on board with. He killed him one time and he respawned elsewhere and wouldn't come back but we forced him to so that he could be killed again. That man hates being weak and he just won't accept that he has no power over us anymore it felt great watching him squirm under the pressure from everyone and seeing him as below is all for the first time since I got here. Before Tommy killed dream for the last time before he stopped him.

"Tommy wait don't I have a revival book Schlatt gave it to me and I can revive Wilbur" dream said panicked

The two deliberated before sam suggested that dream go in the prison where he wouldn't be able to cause any harm but he would be here if we needed or wanted to revive anyone and if it turns out he's lying well then he can just be killed for the last time. Sam as well as a few others escorted dream to the prison while everyone else went back to their houses.

Back in the main land I went to leave but Tommy stopped me and we sat together with Tubbo watching the sunset listening to one of the discs just like we used to in the old times. The sun set over the hill like it does every night but this time it felt different knowing that we were safe from dream and could live normal lives at least for a little while.

Authors note: I hope you guys like this new way of writing lore it will probably be the last lore chapter in the book because I have other plans and this book is going to be over soon but I hope you guys have liked it.

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