Episode 42: Why Wait?

134 4 4

Royal Rumble

St. Petersburg, FL

Tropicana Field

At #15 and #26 respectively Bayley and Sasha were surprise entrants in the royal rumble match. Everybody and I mean everybody was surprised to see both of them.

They were even more surprised that Bayley sorta kinda okay she did it double crossed Sasha at the end to win the match and a Raw, Smackdown or NXT womens championship match of her choosing at wrestlemania, your move Pam.

Sasha waited for Bayley on the ground out of sight from the crowd so they could walk back to the gorilla position together. To their surprise..and delight they got a standing ovation from their peers that's how they knew, they're destined to do this forever and a day.

"I am so proud of you that was awesome" Sasha whispered in Bayleys ear while everyone was clearing out of gorilla

"Thank you baby, I didn't hurt you when I threw you out the ring did I? it looked bad" Bayley asked

"No I'm okay, oh god I'm crying" Sasha said as Bayley pulled her into her chest

"So am I, 🥺 I can't believe I'm saying this but now I see it...everything does happen for a reason we we're supposed to go through hell and come out clean on the other side" Bayley said

"See I told you!, C'mon let's get outta here...soon to be champ" Sasha said winking at Bayley

On the drive home...🚙

"Soooo...who you going after?" Sasha asked

"Well once you when the chamber match I'm coming for you" Bayley said

"What you were serious??!! EEEEEE! YESSSS!" Sasha said jumping up and down in the drivers seat

"Whoa whoa calm down dude! don't kill us before we even get there" Bayley said

"I'm sorry I'm just so happy! finally our wrestlemania moment! EEEEE" Sasha squealed

"This is gonna be so cool dude I've wanted this for years and now it's finally happening I love you Mercedes I can't even put it to words how happy I am" Bayley kissing Sasha on the head because they're at a red light

"I love you too 😍, oh and be prepared, I'm gonna cry all night once we get home" Sasha said getting back on the gas

"I was expecting that actually, oh and I have a idea that I want to run by you but it's probably a good idea that I save it for later" Bayley said

After Midnight in Winter Park..and after Sasha stops crying 😂

"Soooo what'd you want to run by me?" Sasha asked climbing on top of Bayley

"Well...I was thinking, why wait? why don't we get married next month I don't think I can wait till March to marry your beautiful ass" Bayley said stroking Sashas hair

"Awwww babyyy, are you sure?" Sasha asked

"Yeah I am, just me, you, whoever we can get to marry us and beautiful Miami" Bayley said

"We need tell Ferg that were switching the date since he's the witness" Sasha said

"Right yeah, you're so hot dude I'd marry you right here right now if I could" Bayley said rubbing Sashas back

"Mmmm...I don't blame you I'd wanna marry this in a hurry too" Sasha said sitting up on top of Bayley

"Still full of yourself I see, I like that shit" Bayley said

"I know something else you'll like" Sasha said unbuttoning her shirt

"Oh yeah?" Bayley said

"Mhmm kill the lights" Sasha said

*Bayley claps her hands and the lights go out*

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