Episode 10: California (Prt.2)

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Season Finale

A few hours later...


Finn: What do you mean you saw her? Where?

Sasha: At some restaurant she was eating outside Ferg oh my God I feel like I'm drowning

Finn: You're not though calm down did she see you?

Sasha: I don't think so no

Finn: Oh well...I honestly don't know what to say right now at least she didn't see you your cover would've been blown

*Sasha is in tears at this point*

Sasha: Do I look desperate coming all the way out here Ferg? Be honest

Finn: Come on no you're doing what you think is best I see nothing wrong with it

Sasha: I just want things the way they used to be is that really too much to hope for?

Finn: No it's not you two were made for each other

This went on for a little bit longer and I don't feel like going through that...

A couple hours later...

After getting back to her hotel and indulging herself with the mini bar Sasha went to bed to get some much needed sleep. Alter getting up in the middle of the night to throw up and cry again she went back to sleep for a few hours.

Monday Afternoon

Alright, this is it Sasha is on her way to Bayleys house this could go extremely well or it could go horribly wrong here goes nothing...

Sasha parks the car a little ways down the street to Bayleys house to avoid detection she could've been looking out the window in her kitchen for all she knew. Just seeing Bayleys car in the driveway made Sasha tear up a little bit.

Bayley wasn't even in the house, she was outside on the patio having a beer oblivious to Sashas presence...or was she?

Sasha got to the front door and was about to knock and then she remembered something, Bayley is notorious for leaving her front door unlocked not a good thing to be doing, so Sasha just let herself in.

Bayley had a really nice place, decorated almost like her house was in Orlando but a little bit bigger. Sasha thought she saw something walk around the side of the house so she hid in front of the door, little did she know it was her imagination playing tricks on her. Tip toeing around the house no sign of Bayley anywhere, maybe she's outside? Sasha thought. She creeping over to the back of the house, there she was sitting outside with her beer...

Sasha quietly opened the door..but then her phone fell out of her back pocket damn it Sasha you blew it

"What the...the hell are you doing here" Bayley yelled jumping up

"Shit..." Sasha said under her breath.

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