Episode 41: A Good Wife

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WWE Performance Center [After hours]

With the rumble just weeks away and when you haven't wrestled in months you might tend to be a little rusty. No matter how physically fit you are there's nothing like being in ring shape, two different things.

Something about the performance center beings back a lot of good memories for Bayley and Sasha, obviously it's where they first met but it's so much more than that who in their right mind would've said 7 years ago these two would be soulmates and set to be married in March.

"Oh my God I missed this" Bayley said sitting down on the apron

"Me too, what the fuck we're we doing all this time?" Sasha said

"All I know is it was incredibly stupid but it doesn't matter anymore we got through it" Bayley said

"Yeah, imagine if Vince fired us who knows what we'd be doing right now" Sasha said

"I mean..we could've taken a little trip up to Jacksonville if it came to that" Bayley said shrugging

"Cody would've blew up our phones the first chance he got but, we made it we fucking made it dude" Sasha said sliding over to Bayley

It was true things could've gotten dark real fast if Vince thought they were too far gone and just fired both of them their arguments had gone on for months everybody was getting tired if their shit even the ones closest to them even if they would've gotten fired...AEW would come calling once their 90 days were up, just saying 🤷.

"Hey come give me a frog splash right now!" Bayley demanded rolling into the ring

"Alright here I come ya ready?" Sasha said going to the top rope

"Give it to me" Bayley said

"Here we gooooo!" Sasha said in midair

"Ohhhh woo! that was a good one" Bayley

"Thank youuu.. isn't this great? just like old times" Sasha said

"Yeah, I used to daydream about being with you in this very ring while you were stretching over there on the floor" Bayley said

"Awww I always thought somebody was looking at my ass now I know" Sasha said getting on top of Bayley

"You went from cute to hot to well...muy caliente" Bayley said squeezing Sashas butt

"Oooo not here Pam not here" Sasha moaned

"I'm not trying to start anything...I promise" Bayley said smirking as she licked Sashas ear

"Mmmm you sure?" Sasha moaned

"Nah we can't do it here this place is too special to do doing that" Bayley said holding Sasha in her arms

"You're right, I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you" Sasha said snuggling in Bayleys chest

"I love you too we should probably get out of here we've been here for hours" Bayley said trying to get up

*Loud thunder and the rain starts*

"Oh shit now it's raining great" Sasha said

"Damn! we really gotta go now we can shower at home" Bayley said jumping up and out of the ring

"Right behind you!" Sasha said running with Bayley

"Only in Florida would it rain buckets at the drop of a dime!" Bayley said trying to unlock the car

"Come on hurry up we're getting soaked!" Sasha squealing

"I'm trying dude I can't see hold on... there we go!" Bayley said finally getting the car to unlock

"Finally! let's get the hell outta here" Sasha said jumping in the car

"Oh my God! that was crazy" Bayley said trying not to hydroplane on the street

"S...sooo cold" Sasha said shivering 🥶

"I know I'm cold too just hang on were almost there baby" Bayley said

25 minutes go by..

It's still pouring down raining but they've made it home in one piece. Not only did it rain it got unusually cold and it really did a number on Sasha  but there's nothing that a hot shower can't fix.

"There she is, you good?" Bayley asked

"Yeah just worn out coming to ya" Sasha said using Bayley as a pillow

"Just lay right here and relax I'm not going anywhere" Bayley said stroking Sashas hair

"You're gonna be a good wife you know that right?" Sasha said

"I aim to please" Bayley said

We're gonna teleport to the royal rumble in the next episode ⏩⏩

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