Episode 20: For What It's Worth

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Season Finale..

Tuesday Morning

Just as I said, Sasha is on her way back to San Jose to well...kick Bayleys ass nobody had ever made her so angry in her life, even the people who kept saying that she did a CM Punk and walked out of the company after wrestlemania last year. Come to think of it that's when everything went to hell but that didn't really matter right now it's ass kicking time.

After landing in San Jose she got a rental car like last time and floored it all the way to Bayleys house. Driving like a maniac doing over 90 mph in pretty dense California traffic, not very smart but whatever.

Meanwhile Bayley, who's completely oblivious to what's about to happen is upstairs putting some laundry away minding her own business not really planning on doing anything today then, out of the blue she hears what sounded like tires from hell squealing down the street, probably just some idiot driving to fast on this narrow street about to hit something if they don't slow the hell down... little did she know 😬😬

Tires still squealing, sounding like it's getting closer and then BOOM! it sounded like someone had hit the curb on her block

Bayleys POV: What in the FUCK was that??

A couple minutes later


Bayleys POV: Oh god who is that

She ran downstairs to see who the fuck it is. At first she thought she hearing things...that was till she actually opened the door

"What the hell are you..."

Sasha punched Bayley in the face causing her to fall on the ground

"YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME??!" Sasha said mounting Bayley and punching her some more

Bayley, while not being completely defenseless more like taken by surprise and let's be honest, sucker punched was about to do some damage

"I...I told...you I was SORRY!" Bayley said picking herself and Sasha up and throwing her into the wall, a very hard wall at that

"I HATE YOU YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Sasha said picking up Bayleys PS4 controller and chucking it at her face

Luckily Bayley ducked out of the way otherwise she might've had a another broken nose and a couple missing teeth those things hurt (trust me) anyways the controller broke immediately after hitting the ground

Bayleys POV:

Fuck it I gotta do this...

Bayley ran at Sasha, tackling and pinning her down on the floor hoping she'd settle down but it was like she was possessed by something.


"YOU HURT ME! NOW IM GONNA HURT YOU!" Sasha screamed back sitting up and throwing Bayley off her she's very strong for her size

Sasha grabbed a candle from the coffee table and smashed it on Bayleys face, glass went everywhere  bleeding from her ear, that was it Bayley was about to snap

"Heh...you know...that was too much you gave me that candle remember? probably not but it doesn't
matter I love you and...I still do but now...I'm gonna kick your little ass"

Sasha had never seen so much rage in Bayleys eyes....it was about to get crazy up in this house

Trying to get away afraid she was about to be murdered or maimed Sasha ran into the kitchen and looked for something to defend herself with but Bayley caught her by her hair and dragged her across the living room, boy she was about to get it...

"LET ME GO!" Sasha said while kicking and screaming

"NAH THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED DING DONG HELLO! THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE GETTING" Bayley yelled dragging Sasha up the stairs back first every little bump was causing her pain

"P..Pam stop you're... hurting me Pam!" Sasha whimpered

"SHUT UP DAMN IT!" Bayley said stopping at the top of the stairs

By this point Sasha is all fucked up, litteraly shaking in pain tears running down her face, turning purple...they went to far but...it's not over yet.

*Bayley catches her breath and stands Sasha up looking dead into her eyes*

"I.. I'm sorry Pam...p.. please don't hurt me anymore" Sasha wimpered

"For what is it's worth...I'm sorry" Bayley said giving Sasha a hug before turning her around and choking her out. She made sure Sasha was still breathing before passing out from all the excitement... this could've been avoided

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