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Dohee sat up and looked around, a small sigh leaving her mouth as she realised it was a saturday and she forgot to turn off her alarm.

Her head moved to look at the bed underneath her and a breathe of relief left her mouth as she seen the boy sound asleep. She closed her eyes and tried falling asleep again but it was no use.

After a few minutes of blinking away the sleep she walked down the ladder and towards the bathroom, knowing that it's too early for anyone to be awake on a saturday.

After she was done with her morning routine she changed into the clothes she stole from her brother last night and walked back to her room. She threw the pajamas on the bed she slept in and reached for her phone.

Not sure if she's going to wake up her roommate she made her way outside of the dorms and sat at the bench in front of the building, taking a deep breathe of fresh air in.

She ran a hand through her long brown wavy hair as her eyes scanned the area surrounding her. The cold air blew around her, making her hug her jacket closer to her body.

A small yawn left her mouth and she rubbed her eyes, still adjusting to the sun peeking from behind the buildings across the yard. "I'm hungry." The girl mumbled slightly and patted her tummy which made silent noises.

Loud laughs from behind her made her turn her head towards the source of the noise and a chuckle left her mouth upon seeing two friends drunkly making their way inside of the building.

Dohee turned back towards the front and took her phone from her pocket, unlocking it as she did so. Her thumb scrolled over the screen as she watched videos of cute animals on her Instagram feed, a chuckle leaving her mouth every now and then.

It didn't take long before she got a message from her brother asking where she was. She playfully rolled her eyes, a slight smile on her lips as she read his message.


Yoo where u @


isnt it cold tho:(

nah its okay :D

but what do u need?

Can u myb go to the store and get me some food👉🏻👈🏻




but im coming over to eat too bc im also hungry gdi


yeh yeh

"He can't do anything by himself, can he?" The girl mumbled to herself as she got up. Her feet slowly lead her towards the dorm she was temporary staying in. She quietly opened the doors and peeked inside.

Upon seeing her roommate still sound asleep her eyes wandered around the room and fell on her wallet. It was placed on the desk besides the window, right besides her glasses. She tiptoed her way across the room, trying her best not to wake him up.

Unfortunately, luck was never on her side so she stumbled over her leg and fell down onto the floor with a loud thud. She groaned out a small 'fuck' but froze when she heard movement on the bed.

Her head quickly turned towards the boy and a sigh of relief left her mouth after realising he was just turning towards the other side, his back now facing her.

She slowly got up and reached her wallet, fleeing the place after doing so. After locking the doors she walked outside of the building and towards the store.


"Yo guys thanks for letting me chill at your place but I should go back now and study a bit because I have to rise my grades before winter break." Dohee spoke up, making the three boys look at her. "Yeah sure, have fun."

"Okay? Bye!" She waved at them as she left the room and walked towards her own. Upon arriving she saw the doors were unlocked so she slowly entered, glancing at the boy sitting at the desk, clicking something on his computer.

Asahi wouldn't have even noticed her come if she didn't reach for her backpack next to the desk he was sitting at. He flinched, startled by her sudden appearance. "Oh shit sorry for disturbing you." The girl quickly apologised with a bow, running up the ladder onto her bed. 

The boy just looked at her with a weird expression and continued doing whatever he was doing until her arrival. She opened her book and took out her glasses, starting to read the content she had to know for her history class.

After a few hours she felt tired and it was starting to be too dark for her to read so she closed her book and left it back in her backpack. She leaned on the railing and looked at what her roommate was doing. 

"Are you producing music?" She asked but didn't get a reply. "Yo!! Are you producing music!?" She repeated, a little bit louder but still did not get a reply. She sighed loudly and threw a piece of paper at him, making him turn around. He took out his earpods and waited for her to speak. "Are you producing music?"

He slightly nodded his head and her eyes widened. "Really?!" He nodded once again and she jumped from the bed, almost tripping but quickly balancing. "Can I hear it? Please?" 

"Ah, it's still not finished." Asahi mumbled, barely audiable and she pouted. "Okay then." He let out a slight breathe of relief when she walked away to sit on a bean bag she brought from somewhere and turned back to his computer.

"Mr. Jung said you are in my year so that means you're also a junior, right?" Dohee started talking again and the boy bit the inside of his cheek, humming a small 'yes'. "Are you born in 2002 or 2001 though?"


"Oh so you're older than me." She clasped her lips together. "Oh you must go to the same class as Junkyu then!" Asahi once again nodded his head, clicking something on his computer right after.

"Woah, I should meet with him once. I haven't seen him since we started high school." She continued rambling while her roommate kept quiet the whole time, concentrating on his work.

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