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Dohee slightly chuckled at Jihoon's comment and placed her phone to charge before climbing up the ladder towards her bed.

Her roommate was already laying on his bed, staring at the bed above him with his hands under his head.

They kept quiet for some time before she cleared her throat. "Uh, Asahi?" He hummed, letting her know he's listening. "Can you please not tell anyone about what you've heard on the rooftop, especially not Doyoung. I don't want him to worry about me."

"I wasn't planning to." Asahi replied and she let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." She said with a slight smile, turning towards the wall and hugging her pillow.

The silence crept around them, the sound of the cars passing by being the only sound heard. She shuffled around, pulling her blanket to cover half of her face as it was starting to become really cold.

Her roommate passed a hand through his hair and opened his eyes. "Dohee?" He whispered, not sure if she had already fell asleep but when she replied he knew she was still awake.

"You've said you like me, right?" He asked and her cheeks immediately heated up so she moved the blanket to cover the rest od her face too. "I guess."

Asahi opened his mouth to speak but hesistated. "Why?" She asked, slightly peeking at him through the small hole separating the bed from the wall. "Why?"

He said and she raiaed a brow. "What?"

"Why do you like me?" He asked again, this time more directly. "Oh." She let out a slight sigh and leaned back onto her pillow. "Well, what's there not to like?"

She chuckled slightly, embarassed by her own words. "I mean, you're good looking, you're smart, you make music!" She started. "The more I get to know you I see the type of person you are."

"Is that so?" He mumbled from the bed below her and she nodded her head, even though he couldn't see her. "Yeah, as we get closer I get to see your soft side more. Even though at first you were cold towards me and you mostly ignored me, I had this feeling like I must get closer to you."

Asahi chuckled and she shook her head with a small grin. "When I saw you with your friends, I knew I've got to get to that level of friendship with you, even if it took me years." She smiled slightly and peeked on the bed below where her roommate was.

He looked at her for a few moments before a smile formed on his lips. "I hope that even now that I like you, we can stay good friends. I'll get over my feelings." He tsked and slowly raised himself into a sitting position.

He moved his face closer to hers and looked at her eyes. "Now sir, that's my personal space." Dohee mumbled as her heart started beating fast at how close he was to her.

They kept looking at each other in silence for some time, no one dared to say a word.

"Good night." Asahi said and laid back into his bed, turning towards the wall with a small grin on his face. Dohee stood frozen for a few moments before she did the same.

"Night Asahi." She mumbled and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep few moments later.

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