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Dohee sat down next to her brother and let out a loud sigh, bringing all the attention to her. "I am done with life. Remind me not to fail any subjects anymore because I can't. I literally can't."

"Stupid." Jihoon flicked her forehead, making her yelp at the sudden attack. She was about to start cussing at him but then she remembered she was at school.

They started eating their food and in no time it was already time for them to go to their next lesson. "See you around boys!"

The girl said and started walking towards her class but caught sight of familiar boys standing in one of the halls she was passing by. She made a few steps back and hid behind the corner, watching the interaction.

The four guys were slowly making their way towards their classrooms, though it seemed like they were teasing each other. One of the guys caught her attention as it was her roommate.

A smile was on his lips, showing his cute dimples. His eyes looked brighter then his normal quite dull eyes. Her heart melted at the side of his cute and bright side with, who she guessed were his friends.

Upon realising she's going to be late to her next lesson she quickly ran away from the place and in no time she was in her classroom, sitting down on the seat next to Jaehyuk.

A small smile formed on her lips as she thought about her roommate and how different he acted around his friends.

Her thoughts were cut off as her geography teacher entered and mentioned a pop quiz, making everyone in the class groan.


Dohee entered her room and threw her backpack in the corner of the room, plopping on the comfortable bean bag next to the bed. A loud sigh left her mouth and she closed her eyes.

"A nap would be nice now." She mumbled to herself and yawned slightly. "But no, I've got to study." She groaned and got up into a sitting position, reaching for her sociology book.

Her deadline to fix the grade is tomorrow and she's determined to do it, along side rising the other two subject grades too; math and history.

Too concentrated on her thoughts, she didn't even notice her roommate sitting by his desk, doing something on his computer.

A few hours later she raised her head from her book and stretched her limbs. "Damn, I do be sounding like my grandma." The girl mumbled, making the other chuckle, which passed unnoticed by her. "Oh hey, when did you come?"

"A few minutes before you." He replied, not even bothering to look at her. "Oh, I didn't even pay attention." She said while taking her clothes and was about to leave but stopped upon seeing Asahi by the doors, holding the doorknob.

"You can change here, I'll wait outside." He said and walked out. The girl froze on spot and a few minutes layer grinned. "He's definitely a softie." She whispered to herself and started changing quickly so he doesn't have to stay outside for long.

A few moments later she was done so she opened the doors, finding the boy standing on the other side of the hall. One hand holding his phone while the other one stood in his pocket. His foot was leaning on the wall and his hair covered his face.

Dohee couldn't deny he looked hot like that but there's no way she would admit it. She cleared her throat, making him look up.

"You can enter now. Thanks." She mumbled and walked back inside, rummaging through her bag to hide her tomato red face.

She prepared her bag and got up, putting on her jacket. "I'm going to tutoring, in case you wanted to know." She said and took her bag, walking out of the room. "Wait!" He yelled after her and she stopped. "Huh?" She turned her head to look at him.

"Don't you have tutoring in the cafe nearby?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"I need to go to the store so we can go there together. If you want to, I mean." He said awkwardly while she smiled widely. "Yeah, sure!"

He quickly got up from his seat and took his jacket, putting it on right after. They slowly made their way towards the store/cafe.

The walk was silent but not awkward kind of silent; they both enjoyed it. "I'm sorry if I sometimes talk too much, it's become a habit and I can't stop it."

"It's okay." He replied and she slightly frowned. "You know, I've seen you with your friends earlier at school. You act differently around them."

He kept quiet and just looked at his steps, pushing a rock with his foot every now and then. "I hope one day you act like that around me too." She smiled widely before walking away towards where she saw her tutor sitting.


A yawn left her mouth as she quietly entered her room, trying her best not to wake up her roommate who was already fast asleep or at least she thought so.

Dohee took her books and started solving her homework while fighting the urge to fall asleep.

Some time later she was done so she placed her books back into her backpack and turned off the small light source she had on her desk.

She climbed up the ladder, too tired to even change into her pajamas and fell asleep seconds later.

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