Purity Is The Key - Chapter 15

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" im not really hungry" said Taylor pulling away Harry

Harry was confused, she was never like that...he got worried and upset.

"you were never like this"


"why didn't you tell me about those mean tweets cause they seem to be alot" said Harry angrily

"so what? i didn't wanna bother you---"

"bother me? are you serious?"

"IT'S THE TRUTH"  .... and the fighting begins ....

"really? you think i would hate it when you TALK TO ME!"

"about what? that your fans are mean, rude and ruthless? they make fun of me for the smallest things and i choose to turn the other cheek!"

Harry was silence cause he know that her words are absolutely correct, the fans were alittle into his private life than it should be.

"and oh, im sorry if my purity ring is another joke to them! well you probably should've dated a slut"

*Harry turned his face to the ground*

"you'll never what im feeling when i read that - oh Harry Styles' girlfriend is fat or using him for fame or poor so she's dragging his money - how would you feel if you were me? im not a toy you know?! im a human with feelings not some doll in their hands! and what kills the most is that i was not telling you! YES, it was killing me! cause through all this hate all i needed was a comfort hug or a cuddling session while watching tv to get me through all this but on the other side, i couldn't tell you! how would that suppose to make you feel happy in my last weeks with you before i start college?!.........it would be horrible"

*still no reply from Harry*

"im sorry, i really am sorry but i just couldn't....you have to understand my situation"

"well about mine? huh?" Harry said angrily again raising his voice

*Taylor was shocked, Harry pushed her to the wall, they were super close, inches apart, face-to-face.*

"i tried so hard to make you feel better, i went against my management for many things for you!"

Taylor tried to speak but he cut her off by slamming his hand on the wall behind her.

"you should've told me! we could've figured something out together but no! and look what we have now huh? this big mess up pile that we can't solve!  and you know what will happen?

if the mamangement find out their solution would be either you or them! i----"

Taylor cut him off by putting her hand on his mouth, she was already crying from the second Harry pushed her, she pulled Harry away and walked out of the room, running scared

downstairs, she grabbed her bike swiftly from her garage and rode quickly through the streets, she didn't have a destination, she just went where her bike was leading her.

On the other side, Harry was in a shock phase of mind, he couldn't believe what he did, he kept replaying what happened in his mind and everytime the tape rewinds, the look

on her face was the most depressing part. how could he hurt her like this? he was not aware of his actions, he slowly started hitting his head towards the wall and screaming "IDIOT"

when he realized that she went out of the house, he started searching for her but she was in no sight of an eye.

when he gave up he decided to call Gemma...

Harry : *please pick up, please pickup*

Gemma : hey bro

Harry : Gemma, did Taylor call you or reached you in the past 2 hours?

Gemma : no? is there's something wrong?

Harry : no no , we just had a small argument and i don't know where did she go

Gemma : she's not yet familiar with everyone, i'm sure she'll be back soon

Harry :  i hope...

they hung up, all the thoughts that were haunting Harry was "hoping for the best but only expected the worst" he knew that she wouldn't forgive him easily, Harry went home,

he was tired but he couldn't sleep, he was still worried about Taylor.

what Harry didn't know that Taylor was hiding in her backyard, after a long bike ride, she went home, she was watching Harry's house carefully, she knew he'd be searching so

she waited, and when he arrived she entered her house, grabbed her bags and placed them into her mother's car, called the university asked if she can register in now not

next week, they said that her room is complete and done.

she took a deep breath and looked through her window at Harry's house..."i will miss you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me" she said to herself,

 she went down to the car  and drove away to the university, leaving all the drama behind....


so that was chapter 15, hope you like it :) 

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