Purity Is The Key - Chapter 2

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*hello everyone, thank you so much for reading my fanfic :) this is chapter two, i just wanted you guys to know that i made a slight change...at first (Y/N) was the main character as i wanted to make this story as a one shot when i started writing, then i saw that it might take a few chapters so i changed it to Taylor but everything's the same, just a change in the names" 


Taylor stood there for a couple of seconds not realizing that it's the summer and people wake up later!

"shoot, they're must be asleep" she said to herself while taking a few steps to the back, trying to remember the neighborhood and the good old memories.

Suddenly, the Styles' door was open, it was Gemma, Harry's sister.

"sorry i just finished taking a shower, can i help you? Taylor looked at her and said " o m g , you haven't change at all Gemma" and a tear shed on her face

"uuhhm, im sorry but do you know me?" she said then she started looking at Taylor with weird glances then looked across the street and found a huge truck with people moving furniture from the truck inside the Swifts' house.

she waited for a while, trying to process all this since it was nearly 9 am, she looked at Taylor again with starry looks..."there's only one girl i know with that hair colour" she said happily while hugging her..

"i can't believe you're back! please tell me that you're back and won't move again" said Gemma in a hyper sound still hugging Taylor.

"i won't, i mean i hope, awww i missed you so much"  said Taylor hugging her tightly

"i missed you so much,all of us did, oh btw where's your mom?" she asked

"in the house, arranging the new furniture with my aunt" Taylor replied

"oh, we weren't here for the past few weeks cause Harry was on tour and stuff--"..."Harry on tour?!!" Taylor interrupted

"oh sweetie you're not aware of what happened to us in the past couple years, come on in we have alot to talk about" she said pushing Taylor into the house

The boys were sleeping over at Harry's, they were all asleep but Harry woke up cause of the truck noise, he's a light sleeper, while Taylor and Gemma were talking  in the kitchen, Harry took a shower then went down to the kitchen to make breakfast, on his way to the kitchen he stood in front of a window and saw the truck that was making the noise and said "looks like we'll have new neighbors", he continued his way down the stairs and on the last step he stood there still...he saw Gemma talking to a girl, he started wondering who might that be, he took slowly steps towards Taylor then stopped.

"i know this hair, could it be?" he thought, he took a few more steps towards her and tapped on her shoulder, Taylor turned around to meet him in the eyes.

Both of them were just starring right into each others' eyes, Gemma decided to break the moment " so Harry, i hope you still remember.....--

"Taylor Alison Swift" he said smiling, looking at her and thinking "wow, she's not that little girl i used to play with anymore, she's.....older"

Taylor couldn't help but smile to the ground when she found out that he still remember her name, she thought the same about Harry, he's older now way hotter than he was 6 years ago, oh Puberty did a good job.

"wait are you moving back?!" he said pointing to the window

"yes, im going to college this year...here" Taylor said

"that's great, really great i--" "enough already it's been 16 hour flight let the girl have some space, breakfast" said Gemma to Taylor

"uhhmm no thank you, i just came to say hello, i need to sleep you know jet lag" said Taylor, as she was was about to leave Harry took her hand and stopped her 

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