Purity Is The Key - Chapter 8

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Harry's words broke Taylor's heart but she didn't wanna show him, she wanted to support him no matter what.

"well it's okay, we can have like a small get together when you're free" said Taylor, trying to hide the pain

"i don't know i just wanted this day to be special for both of us" said Harry putting his hands on Taylor's face, they were both sad and devastated, Harry started thinking of the perfect gift for Taylor, he started brainstorming for ideas....and it all came crashing down.

"im sorry i must go, i'll call you tonight" said Harry, letting her face go

"okay, bye babe" said Taylor...as soon as she was about to leave, Harry grabbed her...

"aren't you forgetting something?" said Harry with a smirk...you're aware of what he's doing but you just wanna tease him

"uhhmmm no?" said Taylor playing along

"well let me show" said Harry, giving her a kiss.

the kiss ended, they both look into each other's eyes and say goodbye...Harry is left all alone in his room thinking about what to get her,, on the other hand...

Taylor decided to surprise Harry, she wouldn't be able to celebrate this important day with him but she'll surprise him, she called Gemma and asked her to meet her at her place.

*an hour later*

Gemma : *knock knock*

Taylor : come in

Gemma : *smiling* hey there

Taylor : *giving her a hug* heeeeey *breaking the hug* what took you so long?

Gemma : well im fine thank you, how was your day?

Taylor : oh  im sorry, it's just that i...i am not in a good mood

Gemma : *worried* why what happened? is there's something wrong

Taylor : i was talking to Harry and---

Gemma : oh my god, please tell me you didn't break up with him or he broke up with you?!

Taylor : *shocked* what??! NO!

Gemma : well what is it?

Taylor : Take Me Home will be out on my birthday.

Gemma : so? i thought you were a fan now, you should be happy...i guess

Taylor : you're not getting my point here...

Gemma : *sarcastic look*

Taylor : well, he wanted to celebrate this day with me and so do i but he won't be around...he got fan signings, radio interviews, performing live and more...

Gemma : im so sorry

Taylor : that's why i wanted your help...i don't know what to do!...im a wreck!

as if Gemma was shot by lighting at that very moment, she got this crazy idea that might help Taylor....

Gemma : *screams loudly* OMG...i got an idea

Taylor : what is it?

Gema : look, as far as i know...they boys' schedule on Monday November 12th is that the cd signing will be at the Holmes Chapel's Walmart so i believe that we could arrange a secret meeting.......*stays silent for a bit*.........*looks at Taylor*....i hope you'e following me.

Taylor :.....im trying.

Gemma : look you could without telling anyone and you could surprise Harry

Taylor : well what's the point? isn't he gonna be here the day before or at least in the morning?

Gemma : no silly, he'll be gone 2 days before the signing...i don't know why but that's the management orders, so i believe if you surprised him, he'll be happy

Taylor : i guess so...

*Taylor's POV*

okay im not sure why im going to do this but Harry has done so many things for me and i believe he'll be happy with that surprise so i will do it no matter!

i must disguise myself in able for him and the boys not to recognize me, i will buy the album, stand in line, scream like a fangirl i am and watch the boys sign my copy....

it's a win win situation....i mean i can't possibly tell the boys "please please please sign my copy" i'd sound ridiculous!!

*Later that day*

*phone rings*

Taylor : *picks up* hello?

Harry : did i wake you?

Taylor : no babe, i was waiting for your call

Harry : what would you do or say if i didn't call?

Taylor : is this a trick question? *laughing*

Harry : *serious* no really, i mean it...what would you do?

Taylor :well im positive if you didn't call then....you'd be really busy but i know that....that this won't stop you from thinking about me.

Harry was touched by Taylor's words cause she said how he truly feels about her, if he's busy and couldn't text or call that doesn't mean that he's not thinking about her...

Harry : oh right, i almost forgot....i snuck into your room today and left you something...

Taylor : what?

Harry : open your second drawer of the table next to the couch

Taylor goes to the table, opens the drawers and find this little red box

Taylor : what is this?

Harry : just open it

Taylor : it looks really expensive...

Harry : so? you're my girlfriend, i could shower you with gifts all i want....open it

Taylor opens it and find this little locket with the shape of a butterfly and her and Harry's names are carved in the back...

Taylor : "omg"


so this was chapter 8,, hope you like it ;))

feedback please, thank you for reading :) xx

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