Purity Is The Key - Chapter 10

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Gemma and Taylor got ready, they looked weird as if they are trying to be undercover.

Gemma drove to the Wal-mart downtown, parked the car and got stabled in.

Taylor was new to these things, she got out of the car and found about 5 thousand girls screaming, holding One Direction signs,

singing their songs, screaming their names, holding their dolls and just fangirling...it was like she's a different kingdom or in a different part of earth

Taylor : *eyes wide open* holy fudge cakes! 

Gemma : what's wrong?

Taylor : i-i-i've never seen anything like this...in person

Gemma : how come?

Taylor : i only see it on my television, nothing more...i'm frightned of this, how could Harry hold up to all of that?

Gemma : i thought you went to any events with him while you were dating

Taylor : no...i don't even think that the fans know about us....*looks down*...like...nothing

Gemma : *realizing her sadness* im pretty sure you'll go public very soon *pulling her head up* i know Harry

Taylor : possibly..

Gemma : well, we came here under covered so that they can't see us, right? it's a surprise to everyone so let's make it happen

Taylor : okay.

They waited in line, it was a looooooooooooooong line but Gemma got it covered, she got food in her pack bag in case they got hungry...

they settled down, ate some snacks and waited...and waited...and waited.

after a while they were almost there...

"i could see Harry at the end of the table" whispered Taylor

"yeah but he looks....distracted?" replied Gemma

"yeah, why so?" said Taylor

"look, i'll go first, sign the cd and go...you do the same but try to make Harry notice you and ask him what's wrong...got it?" said Gemma

"copy that" said Taylor

Gemma went first, she said hello, they didn't notice her at all not even Harry her own brother, she walked away and winked at Taylor,

making her notice that it's her turn to go...

"hello" said Taylor to Liam...he was at the beginning of the table

"hello beautiful" said Liam, smiling at her...Taylor moved to Zayn...

"hey Zayn" smiled Taylor

"hey babe, nice to see you" said Zayn shaking her hand

"you too" smiled Taylor and moved on to Niall

"hey there" said Niall, reaching his hand out

"hi Niall, you look amazing today...as always " smiled Taylor, reaching for his hand as well...Niall smiled back

"hi Louis" said Taylor

"how are you today beautiful?" replied Louis

"im great, hope you're doing fine" smiled Taylor, Louis smiled back...then she finally moved to Harry...he was distracted, he signed the album without even looking at her.

"hello Harry" said Taylor with happiness filling her heart

"hey" replied Harry, it was obvious he was distracted, not focused and over thinking

"can i tell you something?" asked Tayl0r

"sure" replied Harry

Taylor leaned in, got closer to Harry and whispered softly in his ears...

"this is the best birthday ever" 

he immediately looked at her, he stared at her eyes then looked down, found that she's wearing the locket with their names carved on it

"hope you're enjoying your day...but...it looks like you don't...why are you so sad...on my birthday?" winked Taylor to him

Harry opened his mouth wide open, he was truly surprised by her surprise, he got up and hugged her tightly.

"what are you doing here?" whispered Harry in her ear

"i thought i'd surprise you" whispered Taylor back

"this is the best surprise ever" replied Harry

and right where Harry finished his words, Taylor was pulled back by the security...hardly.

"enough" said a guy from the security, pulling Taylor from her wrist really hard

Taylor moaned from the pain and stroked her hand

"leave me alone" shouted Taylor

"hey you, how could you touch her like that" shouted Harry, pushing the guy from Taylor

"sorry sir but these are the rules, she could be dangerous" said the guy

"yeah right, she'll kill me" said Harry sarcastically

Taylor started tearing up, her wrist was turning into light blue from the pain caused by the huge guy's hand...she walked off the stairs quickly, running away to the exit, never looking back, at the same moment, the boys started talking to the security, telling them not to talk or harm the fans, this is not polite...But Harry he went after Taylor, he tried to reach her but it was crowded, finally Taylor reached the car where Gemma was waiting for, she her crying and got freaked out.

"oh my god, what happened?" said Gemma in an amazed way, thinking that Harry got upset when he saw her or didn't recognize her

"that stupid security guard" said Taylor out of breath

"who? PAUL?" said Gemma in a frightened tune

"NO! i know Paul, this nameless guy grabbed my hand so hard, i can't even feel it and above all that he ruined my moment with Harry" said Taylor still having troubles with breathing

"hey hey, easy there, just breathe slowly" said Gemma worried, Taylor's wrist looks really swollen, it was really blue and big

"ahhhhhhh" screamed Taylor in pain

"oh god" said Gemma to herself

"do you think it's sprained?" asked Taylor

"i don't know but it looks pretty bad, we must go to the hospital...NOW" said Gemma as she got up, opened the door for Taylor and drove away to the hospital...

at the same moment Harry was still stuck, he was not allowed to leave until the signing is over, he got worried, Taylor was crying right in front of him, on her birthday and he just couldn't do anything to help, he felt useless....


so that was chapter 10 :)

hope you like it and please your FEEDBACK is really super appreciated so write down a comment please :3

Thank You For Reading :) x

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