Purity Is The Key - Chapter 11

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*at the hospital*

doctor : well, it's gonna be fine just alittle sprain, that is all.

Gemma : oh thank god

Taylor : *trying to move her arm* oww

doctor : you need to rest and don't worry it'll take about 2 to 3 weeks for recovery, check with the nurse for check up times and i'll see you soon *smiles and walks out of the room*

Taylor : awesome birthday ha?

Gemma : hahahahaha yeah 

Taylor : i thought turning 18 would be...magical?

Gemma : what did you have in mind?

Taylor : well before Harry i always wanted to travel around the world and make a change, you know make this world a better place?

Gemma : what about now?

Taylor : i don't know, i just figure that i'll focus on my studies

Gemma : where are you applying?

Taylor : University of Cambridge, 

Gemma : ahh nice, what area?

Taylor : Arts & Humanities

Gemma : cool, best of luck

Taylor : thanks

Gemma : when will you start?

Taylor : in about 7 weeks

Gemma : does Harry know about this?

Taylor : yeah, but not all of it

Gemma : why not?

Taylor : i don't wanna waste the time we spend together on something won't matter

Gemma : i'm certain that THIS matters to Harry and believe me it does matter to all of us

Taylor : uhhmm i don't know

Gemma : tell him..

on the other side, Harry couldn't call or check up on Taylor, he couldn't leave either because the signing isn't done yet and still he has 3 radio interviews, 2 live performances and a plane to Australia at midnight...it was the busiest day ever.

the boys noticed how Harry's upset and tried to comfort him...

"dude, why are you so upset?" asked Zayn

all Harry gave was more silence and looking down to the floor

"mate cheer up" said Niall

"i'm sure that fan is alright" said Liam

"you guys know nothing" said Harry angrily

"what?" said Louis in conffuesion

"that was TAYLOR, she wanted to surprise me and now she hurt, do you realize how shit this makes me feel?" said Harry, practically screaming

*the boys were shocked*

"and even though if it wasn't Taylor, he shouldn't treat her like that, those are our fans, people not dolls" pointed Harry, then left the room.

"do you think she's alright?" asked Niall

"i hope so" said Zayn

"guys, today is her birthday" said Liam

"how did you know?" asked Louis

"Harry tweeted her this morning" said Liam

"man he must be really upset" said Zayn

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