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Hi guys, just a quick announcement to say:

I've had a lot of random messages from people/bots/whatever regarding other third party sites and platforms for e-publishing and a lot of these turn out to be fishy and seem strange. I don't like it and it makes me super uncomfortable with the idea that someone could potentially steal my works and publish them wherever they like if I say no.

If you ever come across something that seems a little too similar in terms of my works, give me a shout please! And report, report report!

I'm really sick and tired of these phishing schemes, hackers, theives, whatever they want to bloody call themselves.

I know some may be truly genuine and I appreciate that but overall: I am not interested in moving away from wattpad anytime soon, and when I do, I will be taking my works with me to hard copy publishing because I've always wanted to be a traditional author and screw modern times lol, I want to force my readers to turn those damn pages and smell that crispy new book smell.

Ironic since we're all here on an online platform but hey, you never seen a hypocrite before?

Much love and stay safe in 2021!

D. Brownie

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