Thirty-Five: Revelations

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Story time:
Sometimes I forget my characters' family names and for the life of me I cannot be bothered to sift through content to find them. So I just add whatever pops into my head that I feel suits them at the time and roll with it.

Jeanine is a Du'Val in chapter two, but has miraculously changed the deeds into a Hastings. Meh, I'll fix it at some point.



Greed manifested itself with a monstrous leer and beady eyes. Eyes that gorged themselves on their latest prize; like a troll under a bridge or a dragon to its keep.

The jewels glittered wondrously in the dying light. Fire opal breathed to life beneath fading sunlight, swirling ink like texture within the gem revealed itself in an awing iridescent display. The precious stone stood true to its namesake, taking up centrepiece in the intricate goldsmithing  and setting this small piece of the world alight in dancing hues of sunset red. Flowers and leaves inlaid atop of each other in the multi string piece, each blossom had either golden citrine or small bright rubies embedded within. They glittered on either side of the opal.

The pads of his fingers traced the Arabesque design, the geometric form and sensual patterns were common to the middle-east. He felt the familiar shape of a hilal and scowled. The crescent moon was a favoured design of Islamic jewellery.

Curses flew from his mouth as a torrent of memories buffeted him. He swore and spat and hated. He only stopped when the sound of hounds and people finally made itself known through the haze of his emotions.

Quickly, he left the din far behind as the men and dogs chased him through the bushes - hunting for him. But they would not find what was never there. Especially if you knew how to cover your tracks and conceal your existence from those you did not want. His training, long embedded within him like second nature, even in his age, the memories served to live forever.

And forever is even longer to one that holds onto hate.

He briefly thought of taking the girl but dismissed it quickly. It wasn't the same. But he promised he would be back, and next time he would make it quicker. No risk of survival. He cursed the slip of a boy that had interrupted him and ruined his well executed plan. It had taken the better part of a month planning for this.

So much waiting, observing and planning. All down the drain within a matter of five minutes.


"Is she ready to talk?" Charles asked.

Jackson nodded, "after that, my patient requires rest and no stress from further questioning. What ever you need, get it now." He addressed the constable.

William stood pensive by the side. They were all in his study, he hadn't had so many visitors in his room since his father's passing.

Longest night of my life.

He led the men upstairs and knocked on the door. Gerty opened it from within and ushered them in. Mia sat on the window seat, wrapped warmly in her shawl. He stood by her as the questioning began, a warm and reassuring palm on her shoulder.

Mia recounted the experience and described the attackers face as best as she could.

"He...was familiar." She realised with shock. "I've seen him before, I know it."

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