Fifteen - Dangerously Low

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Bethany watched Mia from across the room. The journey to London had passed without so much as a word. Yet she couldn't stop her immediate dislike to the girl. She could not fathom for the life of her, why she felt so much annoyance toward the strange chit, but nevertheless, the irksome feelings simmered.

The maids from the Earls estate were attending to her affairs upstairs once Mia's shared room had been seen to. Having favoured their new mistress over her presence of years in the family had irked her considerably. What was it about the unbred chit that had everyone blinded to her flaws. George the most, she thought sourly. He had laughed at her and Charles' treatment on the day they'd first met her. No punishment had been set for her physical assaults either.

Then again, someone like him would favour the strangest outcasts of all. She thought bitterly as she sashayed over to the Countess; who was reading that same tattered book she always kept about her person. George stepped into the parlour at that very moment, his eyes lighting up instantly at Bethany's movements. He recognised that particular walk, the straightened posture of her shoulders thrown back and the lift to her chin. The way her nose stayed afloat in the air and the way she would sway with slow, decided movements. It was the dance of the deadly cobra closing in on her prey. A display of hypnotic intimidation, peacocking, he liked to call it.

His ears perked up some, and he kept his arrival silent for the time being as Bethany opened her mouth to talk. Neither lady had noticed him slip in, yet. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned on the wall. His leg crossed over the other and his eyes watching intently.

"That habit of yours would do best to stay within closed walls." She began, sitting down beside Mia on the sofa in the parlour, playing with a loose curl of her hair. "The ton does not very much approve of strange antisocial women with their noses continuously in a book. It does look rather off."

Mia gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She closed her book carefully and folded her arms over it on her lap. Sometimes she wondered why the other lady bothered to pester her so. Not leaving Mia to her own company. She had come to the conclusion that the brattish girl was just lonely. Lonely and miserable, with no way of interacting with another being without malice. It was an interesting theory, but one that granted little sympathy from Mia. For her lot in life had not been nearly as lucky, and she believed in kindness without prejudgement. Of which, Bethany had never even given her the chance.

"Oh?" She questioned with feigned ignorance. "And God forbid they should think anything remotely positive of a lady passing her time within the pages of a book, rather than the ton approved activity as a gossip monger."

George's eyes balked as he guffawed. Biting down on his tongue to keep his snort of amusement contained. Bethany shifted in her seat, a slender brow raising. It was like watching a bird get its feathers ruffled. She did not like it one bit.

"Polite conversation betwixt women will get you far, rather than offering disguised criticisms. It would do to try and fit in, as difficult as that may be," she paused, dragging her gaze slowly from down then up Mia's form. "For someone like you."

George was about to stand up and intervene when Mia's mouth curved into a smile and she laughed. He didn't mind a little spat to sort their differences, but the blatant jab at his elder brother's spouse in terms of race did not settle well with him. He had had enough prejudice to last a lifetime. More fool anyone to think such despicable behaviour would go unpunished in his presence. As if the incident with Charles had not been enough! The chit really was made for that idiot. He thought sourly and frowned at the mirthful sound of Mia's laughter.

"Someone like me could never hope to be on your level, my lady. I don't fool myself into thinking I can be something I am not." Mia simply said, the smile never wavering on her face.

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