Twenty Two: Risen Again

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Happy New YeAr! •

It's about time I dish out a new chapter,
So I hope you enjoy it, although it's much shorter than my usual knock out lengths.

Thank you so much for staying on for the read, I hope this year is better than the last for every one of us, happy reading!


Mia awoke to an empty bed and cold sheets. The second she opened her groggy eyes, she saw Philosophy in the Bedroom propped open to a page about oral sex, posed nearly on the empty stretch of bed that should have been occupied by her man. She felt herself jolt awake in an instant, her eyes wildly scanning the bedroom for any witnesses as she snapped the book shut and shoved it beneath the unoccupied pillow to her left.

"Good god, man!" She cursed beneath her breath at William.

For the life of her, she swore she could hear him laughing from some godforsaken corner of the town house, and she threw a dirty look into thin air for good measure.

If this was going to become a running gag, then she was definitely going to have to burn the book. Because waking up to a damn near heart attack from embarrassment and shock was not even a considerable option!

William was in the breakfast room casually enjoying his morning meal. The smile that lit up his face made him positively glow. George shuffled in, eyes tired and mood foul from the mind numbing work of organising and accounting for merchant ship inventory. Lincoln had been ruthless in providing him the brunt of the workload, and used his meticulous attention to detail to his advantage. He had accomplished it all and refused to leave for home until it was done; something his friend had been counting on.

George eyed William with a glare. "And why are you so chipper this morning?" He snapped accusingly, as if it was a sin.

William grinned back at him. Lincoln was infamous for his manipulation of the middle brother's obsessiveness in his tasks. He had seen this grievous form of George countless times over the years. Stretching all the way to Lincoln wrangling the buffoon into organising his study on the basis he had "a keen eye". Flattery was cheap and George fell for every last dime, every. Single. Time.

"Top of the morning to you, too."

George narrowed his eyes, that smile..."will you stop grinning like that, you're practically blinding me here!" He made a noncommittal grunt and a disgusted face as he plonked down onto a chair at the table.

Spooning crispy bacon, eggs, toast and a hot cup of tea kept him relatively quiet.

"By the ways, I told Mia about your little rendezvous with that imp last night." William sipped casually, his eyes downcast to the morning paper.

George stilled and his egg slipped off his fork. It fell face down onto his plate, resulting in the yolk sac splitting open and oozing deep orange-gold goodness. So much for sunny side up.

"You did what?" He hissed, looking up to see which of the servants present. It was only the two of them, thankfully. If it had been Gerty, the entire household would know by now.

"You heard." William rustled the paper and smirked behind it. "She is not pleased, and you owe me another hat. Because I am sure, without a doubt, she is burning the old one."

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