Chapter 4:Training

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(Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the Bio. The Poll for the Ship with continue for another few days until decided. The current score is Only Zella - 5 and Zella and Okami - 6. )

Izuku wakes up and gets dressed and eats. "I wonder when Akumu will show up?" Izuku asked himself as he turned on the T.V then the news. It showed The Number 2 Hero:Endeavor,But most importantly Okami's Father. "Endeavor has taken down One of The Eight Perceptions of Death today. Though this one was one of the weaker ones, it still our japan a safer place." The Reporter said as Izuku turned off the T.V.

Izuku grabs his phone and texts Okami. 'Sorry you won't see me until U.A Entrance Exams. We'll catch up then bye!' Izuku then turns his phone off then takes out his simcard. He locks away them. Then he turns around to see Akumu. "Hey Kid. Ready for Training?" He asked. "As Ready as I'll ever be." Izuku responds. Akumu has a Devilish smirk. "Get ready kid." A black and purple magic circle appears under them as they vanish.

They both appear in front of the house as Zella comes out in black lose pants and a white crop top. Izuku blushed slightly. "Well Izuku we need to build your body more so your body can handle your power.'And the Drawback.' Akumu said/Thought as he frowned at the drawback. "So I'll be doing exercises until you deem my body ready to handle releasing the power?" Asked Izuku, Akumu nodded. "Correct but we'll be doing some emotional exercises as well because our powers heavily reacts to emotion." He explained as Izuku nodded. "Now while Zella and I will be working with our abilities, you will carry this Hundred pound rock to that Cherry Tree." Akumu pointed to a Large Cherry Tree that seemed to be about two miles away. Izuku's face paled but his eyes sparked with determination. Izuku picked up the rock with all his strength and slowly started to walk into the forest towards the Cherry Tree. (A/N:Mama ain't raise no bitch but mostly cause he raised himself. And I'll be doing a montage of shorts.)

After Four hours and 10 minutes Izuku came back in front of the house then collapsed. Akumu appeared in front of him. "Four hours huh? I expected him to be back in Three and an Half hours. Meh we'll fixed that soon." Akumu smirks evily and Izuku groans. Izuku quickly found out that Akumu is a Slave Driver.

Month One

For the rest of that month Izuku worked on his body. He now six pack closing in on a eight pack. He's able to run to the tree and back with the rock on his back with barely getting tired. He also has been learning hand to hand combat from Nyx.

Month Two

"Ok so now that you are at a good level for starting to learn how to control your powers. But we won't do that yet. We will continue strengthen your body but we won't do that all the time. We will focus on controling your emotions. Now before we start know that no person can fully control their emotions. It's impossible. The best we can do is keep calm and hide them. You don't always need to hide them please remember that." He explained sternly. Izuku nodded. They focused on body training and emotional exercises.

Month Three

Izuku has a blank face as he's staring at Akumu who looked at him with a smirk and spoke."You've been doing good. Now it's time to start training your reflexes and Shadow Control." Izuku smiled. "Let's get started." He said. Akumu smirked devilishly. "First Lesson: DODGE!" Akumu yelled as he punch the fuck out of Izuku.

Mini-Time Skip.

Izuku is covered in bruises, panting heavily. "Decent job. Seems like those useless negan done something good." Akumu said. "Prick. Could've warned me." Izuku said as he glared at Akumu. Akumu laughed. "Wouldn't be much point then. Now time for Shadow Control." As Akumu said. Izuku smiled and sat down and listened. "First concentrate on the shadow, I want you to feel the shadow. Become part of it. Feel the Pull" Akumu explained. Izuku tired but failed. "You'll get it don't worry."

Month Four

Izuku got it after two days. "Good job kid, you got it. Keep practicing and you'll be a Pro." Akumu encouraged. "Thanks Akumu." Izuku said. "Yeah now get ready. It's reflex training time." Akumu says with a smile. Izuku pales.

Month Five

Izuku and Zella started sparing with Akumu watching. (A/N: I'm not showing her capabilities yet. But compare it to Gon vs Hisoka at the tournament. Izuku is Gon.) Which didn't last long. Izuku wanted to go again so Zella complied. They went at it again but Izuku got frustrated and a mysterious black and gold violent energy appeared on his hand and swung towards Zella. Akumu appeared in front of the fist and caught it. Akumu's sleve up to his elbow got destroyed. Izuku's eyes wided. "A-Akumu I'm sorry!" Izuku stuttered as he pulled back. Akumu's hand had cracks in it like broken glass, it had dark red almost black liqud dripping down from it. Izuku assumed that was Akumu's blood. "I-I'm so sorry!" Izuku yelled. Akumu finally spoke. "It's fine Kid. I forgot that this was a possibility. It was a low chance tho."

Izuku quickly found out that was one of Nyx's abilities. She started training him in it the next day.

Month Six

Izuku Haired turned a Charcoal Black that month. Izuku also trained with his Father A.F.O. They worked on control and experience. Control was because Hisashi was around since quirks first started appearing. He helped with experience because he showed Izuku where some low-class villains hang around. So he let Izuku do some vigilante work.

Month Seven

Izuku and Zella have gotten closer. Without either knowing they've both developed feeling for each other. Not that they noticed. Izuku unlocked something new. Akumu seemed a bit surprised but not much. He trained with Akumu and Nyx with it. He didn't slack off in his old lessons. He has an eight pack,his emotional control is well,his shadow control is not master level but good,Violent Gold Energy has decent control.

Month Nine

Nyx helped Izuku with using his Dragon scales and senses, and wings, as well continued practicing with The Violent Energy.

Month Ten

Izuku kept practicing everything he's learned over and over hoping to perfect it. Akumu told him the Drawback, which he was surpised about but quickly got over it.

Now to a week before the exam.

Izuku was sitting down reading in a tree near The Omega Residence. "I-Izuku!" He heard Zella's voice so he looked down and saw her. He jumped down and landed in front of her. He saw that her face was red. "I-Izuku can I ask you something?" She asked. "S-sure." Izuku responded. Zella took a deep breath. "Will you go on a date with me?!" She almost yelled. Izuku was surprised and had a large blush on his face. Then he smiled softly. "Sure I'll pick you up at seven tommorw? And wear something casual." Izuku asked/said. Zella nodded then ran off.

To be continued.

(Hope y'all liked it.)

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