Chapter 10:USJ

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(I didn't expect myself to write another chapter but here we go! But I have a question what do y'all think of Akumu is he good or evil? To nice or something like that. Please let me know.)

Today Class 1-A is heading to the USJ also known as The Unforeseen Simulation Joint. A few days ago Aizawa told them to choose a Class President and Vice President. Izuku and Momo Yayarozu were elected. The Press somehow got in and the students panicked,Iida Tenya calmmed them down after Izuku thought it was a good a idea to try to make them calm down by releasing killing intent which they obviously never been subjected to just made them panic more so Iida is now Prez.

They are now in the bus. Tsuyu Asui is Tsuyu is a short girl with a frog-like appearance. She has straight dark green hair that ties into a bow at its bottom, and her eyes are considerably large, unlike any normal person. She has eyelashes at the bottom of her eyes and a mouth that dips down a bit in the middle. Adding to her frog-like appearance, she has notably large hands. "Um Midoriya-san may I ask a question?" She asks Izuku who was reading a book still. "Sure."  He replied without a care in the world. "What is your quirk exactly? And why does it feel villainous at times?" Tsuyu asks as everyone quited down for the answer. "My Quirk is called Chaos Dragon Magic and for what it can do and why it's so 'villainous'". He said sarcastically before looking at her. "That's for me to know and you to find out." Izuku answered. "That was rude." Tsuyu said and Izuku snorted at her. "Then don't ask rude questions by calling my quirk villainous."

The rest the ride was quiet. "All right everyone off the bus." The Hobo said as everyone went to the building to see a person in a space suit. "IT'S THE SPACE HERO THIRTEEN!" Izumi and Uraraka yelled. "Yes yes. Now welcome to the U.S.J, my building. Here we will learn to use our quirks t-" Izuku and Zella stopped listening and looked at the center, a black swirl appeared in front of the fountain. "Sensei look towards the fountain. Zella prepare a circle and get the students and Thirteen-sensei out of here." Izuku said as Aizawa looked at the center to see hundreds of low level thugs with a villain covered in hands,one made of black mist,and finally the last one looks like a bird monster.

"Kurogiri spread them."(Don't do it. I know what your thinking don't do it.) The Hand villain which Izuku can now see as Shigiraki said. Kurogiri nodded and swirled away. He then appeared in front of the exit. "Hello we are the League of Villains and we are here to kill All Might. But it seems he isn't here at the moment, do any of you know where he is?" Kurogiri asked. "Up Hand Jobs' ass down there." Zella answered. Izuku was chuckling and Okami smirked. "I see. Well I have a job to do." The Bakugo Twins and Kirishima went to attack him. They missed and the mist went for them all. Zella quickly placed down a black and gold magic circle under Thirteen and the students. Though some are idiots and jumped out of the circle. Those idiots are Izumi,Bakugo Twins,Shoto. Izuku pulled out Okami last second.

Izuku looks at the four idiots. "You idiots why didn't you leave with the rest?" "DON'T ORDER ME AROUND DE-" "SHUT UP!" Aizawa yelled. "He's right you shouldn't have stayed. Omega can you make another?" He asked. She nodded. "Get to it." "Sensei let's buy her time. Okami make sure those idiots don't come down." Izuku said as he and Aizawa jumped down and started to defeat the villains easily. Zella sent Okami and idiots away a few minutes later.

Mini timeskip.

Izuku and The Tired Hobo finished up with the thugs. "Nomu take out the teleporter." Nomu is a large, black with a blue tint humanoid monster with a very muscular body that has many scars on it. His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. He has a beak-like mouth with an array of sharp teeth. The Nomu vanished. Up on the stairs Zella held up her left hand and a wall of cracks in reality appear in front of it. Zella just stood there like she knew it would protect her. She smirked. The Nomu appeared next to her and threw a punch at the Reality Defense.


Zella went flying into the wall with wide eyes. 'That defense was made of Reality itself how!'

"ZEL!" Izuku yelled with wide eyes. Shigiraki laughed. "Good now kill the brat down here." He said. Izuku quickly covered himself in light and seemly teleported to the right a few meters. His previous spot was filled with the Nomu's fist. Izuku watched it and spread out his senses to look out for it and Zella. 'She's strong. She can take a hit....' Izuku thought worried. Izuku then dodged to the left and kicked The Nomu that had attacked him. The kick did nothing to the Nomu. Izuku jumped back. "The Nomu has Shock Absorption. He can take on All Might in his prime?!"  Shigiraki yelled. Izuku just narrowed his eyes and Both the Nomu and Izuku charged at each other. Their fist hit each causing a earthquake but Izuku's surprised because there's two sets of 'cracks' in the air in between them. 'IT CAN ATTACK WITH REALITY!?!' Izuku panicked and almost got hit if it wasn't for the sparkling darkness that grabbed it's arm. Izuku looked to see Zella using her darkness to hold it. "Izuku quickly use your flames!" Zella yelled. Izuku held out his right hand and sent Azure blue Flames at the Nomu covering it.

Much to the shock of The couple. The Nomu just grabbed Izuku arm and threw him to the ground and punch his chest, breaking a few of Izuku's ribs. Izuku spat out a ball of Destruction into the Nomu's Face destroying it. Izuku got up. The Nomu got back up with a new head. Izuku covered his arms in Destruction Energy and his legs in light. They started clashing with Zella taking shots from the side.

This went on for a few minutes but they started charging one last time. They put their arms back. Izuku's arm starts glowing with Black and Blue mist. The Nomu misses Izuku but Izuku hit it in the chest sending it back then finally landing on the ground and started disintegrating leaving a katana behind.


On Izuku's right hand to his forearm started cracking like glass. A few pieces fell off revealing black scales on the right can. Izuku yelled out in enormous pain then promptly passed out.

To be continued....

(I hope you enjoyed it. This was longer than what I usually do. A certain sword has appeared and what is happening to Izuku?! Is this the drawback Akumu was talking about? Find out next time. See yall Little Nightmares)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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