Chapter 8:Battle Training Part 1

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(Hello everyone. Three things. 1. I got a new phone I've been getting used to it. 2. Hello everyone welcome back. 3. I'll address at the end along with any abilities.)

Izuku is unfortunately sitting behind Katsuki near the window with Zella sitting behind him. Izuku is currently reading a book. "I still can't believe my father got you to read that damn book." Zella said in disbelief, Izuku just chuckles. "It's a good book and well he gave me advice if I at least read the first chapter and I got hooked." Izuku said as he took a glance in a certain white haired teen's direction. Zella noticed and clenched her fist before placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder and rubbing it slightly. The class perked up a bit when they heard loud footsteps coming closer. Izuku frowned.

"I AM HERE COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" Ass Might yelled sliding into the room. "So cool All Might is our teacher." "Isn't that his sliver age costume?" Izuku,Zella,and Okami are the only one not happy. "Today is the first class of Hero 101 and the first lesson is..." He pulls out a card that says. "Battle..." Mitsumi says. "Training." Okami finishes. "Now grab your cases and meet me at Gym Gamma." Bitch Might presses a button that makes suit cases come out of the wall. Izuku and Zella grab their cases and hurry up and go to the changing room along with the rest.

Small Time Skip.(About as small as All Might's D*ck.)

Everyone is there but Izuku and Zella. "Has anyone seen Young Omega and Young Ya-" "It's Midoriya and yes we're  here." Izuku's hero costume is a black robe with with a high collar sleeveless indigo shirt, black pants and boots, and black cloth covering his left leg and arm. The costume also includes a new pauldron, and Izuku's chest is covered by two straps, held in place by a badge representing a dragon with a mask(Cloud Strife's clothes from Final Fantasy Advent Children) and Zella wears a black coat that goes down to her waist with gold buttons,a black skirt with shorts with gold highlights underneath. Black stockings and boots. With a gas mask and her hair in a pony tail.(Picture up top.)

"Ah yes. Well we'll be doing Heroes vs Villains. Heroes will try to stop all Villains and to disable the fake bomb while the Villains have to wait for time to run out or stop the heros. We'll be doing this randomly." All Might says quickly so no questions are asked. Everyone grabs a ball and here are the teams.

         Team A - Izuku and Fumikage
         Team B - Shoto and Mezo
         Team C - Momo and Ochaco
         Team D - Katsuki and Izumi
         Team E - Mina and Mitsumi
         Team F - Sero and Eijirio
         Team G - Kamarari and Jirou
         Team H - Zella and Okami

"Here are the teams so please go with your partner." All Might said as everyone did as they were told. "Here are the teams facing each other."

                Team A vs Team D
                Team B vs Team F
                Team E vs Team H
                Team C vs Team G

Katsuki darkly smirks and walks into the building while Izumi looks with concern at Izuku. "All right Villains have a 5 minute set up time while Heroes can plan. Let's go to the control room." Says the 8th User of Ofa as the class follows.

"Tokoyami-san right?" Asks Izuku. "Yes Midoriya-san." "Okay what's your quirk?" Asks Midoriya. "My Quirk is Dark Shadow which grants me a shadowy, monster-like being from within his body that he can materialize and de-materialize at will. I mainly use him at a long range. And he's weak to light." Tokoyami explains with some detail. A shadow figure comes out of his body. "Yo" then goes back in. "My Quirk is called Chaos Dragon Magic, it allows me a large array of abilities but the main ones I use is Darkness and Light Manipulation along with my Azure Flames." "I see well what's the plan?" Tokoyami asked.

"Well because Katsuki uses Explosions he's a bad match for you so I'll distract him and defeat him while you go to get the bomb. Be careful because Izumi is fast." Izuku says as Tokoyami nods. "TIME TO GO IN. HEROES GO. EVERYONE GOOD LUCK."

Izuku and Toko walk in and get to the third floor just before a explosion comes from around the corner. Izuku just reaches through it and grabs Katsuki by the neck. "Go Tokoyami-san." Izuku then throws Katsuki through a wall then walks in after him into what seems to be a large room. "DEKU YOU USELESS SHIT!" Katsuki said while charging at him. "I'LL KIL-" He was cut off by Izuku back handing him into a pillar.(He got Bitch slapped💀.)

"Is this all you have if so it isn't enough." Izuku says clearly bored. Katsuki got out of the pillar. "The hell. That was just pure luck Deku. I'm-" Bomber man was cut off by Izuku saying. "Are you done ranting because I'm getting bored." "THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITT-" Katsuki was cut off again by Izuku appearing before him and round house kicking him into another pillar head first. "I shouldn't be causing him more brain damage oh poor Bakugo Katsuki." Izuku said with a smirk before turning around and heading towards the hole.

"HEY DEKU!" Katsuki yells surprising Izuku as he turns around. "Wow your still awake." Izuku says as Katsuki has a gash on his forehead and bruises all over. "I store up my sweat inside my gauntlets. Since you like to stalk people so much you should know what happens when I pull this pin right?" Katsuki smirks but Izuku looks bored. "YOUNG BAKUGO DON'T PULL THAT PIN HE'LL DIE!" "HE WON'T DIE IF HE DODGES!" Katsuki yelled as he pulled the pin. An large explosion engulfed Izuku but he was just looking bored.

With Tokoyami and Izumi

Tokoyami is a bit beat up while Izumi is panting. Izumi rushes Tokoyami while Dark Shadow lunges a Izumi. She dodges left then kicked Tokoyami in the arm then Dark Shadow punches Izumi in the face. She shrugs it off then jumps over it to punch Tokoyami to the floor. "Give up Tokoyami-san." He just stays silent while she sighs then when she's about to knock him out, the building shook and they heard a loud explosion. Tokoyami to this time to send Dark Shadow to tackle her.

Back to Izuku

The smoke cleared as Izuku was fine while his clothes were a bit ashy and one of pants legs and arm were ruined. "H-How!?! How are you not Injured?!?" Katsuki questioned. Izuku lightly glared at him. Izuku vanished then appeared in front of him, kicked him in the ribs twice,punched him once in the face then knee. Izuku then jump knees Katsuki in the face while he's in the air then grabs his head slams it in the ground picks him up by his hair, punches him then choke slams him again sending Katsuki to the second floor. Izuku then falls into his shadow.

Tokoyami and Izumi 4th floor.

Izumi gets back up then punches at Dark Shadow moving it back slightly. She jumps at Tokoyami while a figure comes out of her shadow then kicks her towards the ground then land next to the bomb. Izumi looks back to see it's Izuku leaning on the bomb with his arms crossed.


To be continued

(Hello everyone what I wanted to say one of the reasons I don't update often. It's because I have a cycle of sorts. I read four series of fanfiction. The cycle goes My Hero Academia,Fairy Tail,Naruto, and finally the shortest Highschool DxD. I spend about 2 weeks to a month searching for My Hero and seeing what's been updated and I'm telling you hasn't been much. Then after that I go to Fairy Tail, where I reread and try to look for good fanfiction where it isn't Natsu x Lucy(she's almost useless in my opinion besides being a decoy or for something comical. I really love Dragonification(The Process of turning into a dragon) stories if you don't know why that's in Fairy Tail it's basically so no new Ancologia pops up. But I enjoy those ones. Then I go to Naruto reread and find lots of decent or good stories. I wish there were more good Romance Negeleted Naruto where he doesn't forgive them easily and at least take a while. Then I go to most possibly the short time of a week to three weeks with DxD. Wish there were more were he isn't with the Spoiled Princess Rias,doesn't get his ass kicked by everyone,and isn't a devil maybe a dragon. Then round and round we go. I might read Akame ga Kill fanfic don't see much. Oh sorry I'm ranting. Well see ya guys next time! Bye My Little Nightmares)

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