Chapter 1:Hell

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(Hey everyone I'll be doing a Bio for the characters in the next two chapters.)

It's been 10 years since Izuku Yagi has been in this hell. It's been 10 years since the neglect has begun, it's been 10 years since the abuse has begun. Now he is in his final year of middle school.

Izuku P.O.V

I thought this would end by now. There's still burns,broken bones, sometimes frost bite if Okami isn't there to stop it. Shoto found out trying to frezze me while Okami is near doesn't work. I'm lucking nothing fell off yet. The Teacher then walks into the room with a stack of papers.

3rd P.O.V

"Alright class I've brought in some papers on possible careers but who am I kidding you all want to be Heros!" The Teacher rips up the papers and throws them into the air. When everyone heard this they all began to use their quirks except for Izuku,Izumi,Todoroki Twins,and The Bakugo Twins.

"Don't lump me and my friends with this extras! We can ace the exams." Katsuki jumps on the desk and tells. The class yells in protest while Izuku ignores him and continues writing in his notebook. "Oh yeah Yagi aren't you aiming for the U.A's Hero Course?" He said with a cruel grin.

The class got quiet then immediately burst into laughter. Izuku got comments like "Isn't he quirkless?", "He'll die in the exams","They don't allow losers to be heros." Katsuki stands up is about to slam his hand on Izuku's desk. "Alright settle down and sit down." The Teacher says.

Time-Skip to end of the Day

An hand along with an explosion came down on Izuku's desk as he was packing up and put his stuff away quickly. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING YOU DAMN USELESS DEKU. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO TELL YOU THAT YOU NEED A QUIRK TO BE A HERO, AND YOU ARE USELESS!" Katsuki yells quite loudly. "I can't believe I have a weak dumbass as an brother." Izumi says as she faceplams. "When will he realize that he can't be a hero." Mitsumi says. Izuku ignores him and puts his book bag on. "Hey Nerd I know how you can get an quirk." Katsuki says and Izuku eyes have a sliver of hope before it's crushed. "Take a swan dive off the roof and hope for an quirk in the next life." Katsuki said cruely.

Izuku's eyes turn slited then flashed gold and grits his teeth. 'You idiot Katsuki we don't want him, we just want him to give up.' Izumi thought and Mitsumi thought 'You dumbass Katsuki why would you say that.' Katsuki just didn't care and said. "Let's go catch up to Icy-Hot and Ice Bitch." Then they leave.

He then takes a short cut and ended up going a bridge. He then heard something like water splashing and smells like a sewer. He turns and sees a sluge villain. "Mmmm a medium sized meat shield. I guess you'll have to do." Sludge said and lunged at him. Izuku dodges and tries to run but it proves to be futile. "Just give up. It'll only take a few more seconds."

"DETROIT SMASH!!!" All Might appears out of nowhere and punches the Sludge off of Izuku. Then he collects it into a plastic bottle. He then wakes up Izuku with a bunch of slaps. "H-huh? All Might? ALL MIGHT?!" Izuku exclaims and stands up quickly. "Yes it is I. All Might! But now I must go turn this villain in!" All Might says then turns around. "Wait I have a question!" "Make it quick young man." He said. "Can someone quirkless be a hero?!" Izuku quickly asked. "No I'm sorry young man. You can't be a Hero without a quirk it's just to dangerous. Be a policemen if you wish to save someone." He says coldly then jumps away. Izuku looks broken then walks away. 

Izuku then hears an explosion. He runs towards it and sees the Sludge Villain. 'All Might must've dropped him.' Then he sees Okami and Katsuki trapped inside of it. Izuku looks at the Heros wondering why they aren't doing anything. "I can't use my quirk the fire will burn it easily." "It's to narrow I can't get through." "We need to wait for a hero for the right quirk." This made Izuku livid. His eyes turn slited and turn pure gold,his nailes grow a few centimeters,go sharp and finally scales appear around his eyes. He runs past the heros who try to stop. "Hey kid get back here let the pros handle this!"

Izuku runs towards the Sludge Villain and grabs a piece of broken wood and throws it into the Sludge Villain's eye causing him to let go of Bakugo but keeps his hold on Okami. Izuku tries to pull her out. Then a figure that looks made of Darkness grabs both Izuku and Okami and punch the Sludge Villain to peices it was so strong that it started to rain and the sky flashed black. The Figure placed down the both of them then vanished. Izuku turned back to normal. Heros quickly came to praise Bakugo and Okami and scold Izuku. It made Izuku pissed.


Izuku was walking home again. He saw All Might walk with Izumi into a ally.

Izuku P.O.V

I follow him but stay hidden. I then heard. "Hey All Might what do you need to talk about?" Izumi asked. "Well not only am I All Might I am also." Smoke appears where All Might is and when it clears it shows Yagi Toshinori. "Your Father." He says with a smile. "Dad your All Might!?" She yells.

"Yes I am. Your mother is also a Pro-Hero." All Might then goes on to explain his injury,One for All and All For One. "And I'll like you to be my successor and inherit my quirk." Toshi says. "What about Izuku?" Izumi asked.  "He lacks determination and the heart to become a hero. Also he is weak while you are strong plus you have a weaken version of One For All." Izumi then thinks about it then takes the offer.

Izuku just sits there livid and shocked. His eyes turn slited and pure gold again. He runs away. He doesn't notice he runs into a forest until he stops. He then heard something behind him.

"Hello Young Izuku."

(To be continued...)

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