~47~ Brody...uh..last name?

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"Brody, will you please calm down for a second. I can't even understand what you're saying." Emily tells him. She heard a loud sigh on the other side of the line. "Em, Cameron is crazy. He might hurt Calvin." Brody tells her. Emily sighed. "When are you going to stop trying to protect him? He's not yours to protect." She asks.
"He is!" Brody said. Emily was about to hang up the phone when Brody spoke up again. "I know you don't understand, and I won't expect you to, just hear me out. He was talking to himself in the mirror. He had a scary smirk on his face. I know what a true psychopath looks like. Cameron is not okay." Brody said. Emily sighed again.
"Alright, meet me in the park. I can't take you seriously over the phone." She tells him. Brody hung up and ran down the stairs to put on his shoes and jacket. He walked out of his apartment. He rushed down the stairs and opened the front door of the building.
A cold breeze brushed over his skin and through his hair. He rushed over to the park. When he arrived there he sat on a bench and waited for Emily to arrive. She didn't live as close as he did, so it took a while. He sat there for about fifteen minutes.
When she arrived she was wrapped up in a warm coat and a hat on her head. Brody thought she looked cute like that. Her cheeks and nose were pink 'cause of the cold. Damn, she looked adorable.
"Alright, you've got a lot of explaining to do." She tells him.

Brody sighed. "I've already told you everything I know and saw.
You were the one who wanted to meet up." He reminds her.
"But I just can't believe it. Cameron is such a nice guy.
He would never hurt anyone. Especially not Calvin. Not after everything he has been through." Emily said.
Brody shook his head.
"That's just it. What he's been through is the problem. Death can mess people seriously up. Why do you think he abused Brenna?" He asked.
Emily folded her arms over her chest and crossed her legs.
"He's the one with the Bruises, hun, for all we know he's the one who got abused," Emily said.
She then turned her head to look Brody in the eyes. "Why do you always want to protect him?" She asked him.
He runs his hand through his hair. "Do you know what my last name is?" He asked her. She shook her head. "I don't think anyone does." She tells him.
"Ever wondered why?" He asked. She shrugged and shook her head.
"When I was seven.
My parent had just gotten divorced. I was at my mom's house at the time. I woke up from my dream and got thirsty. So I went to the bathroom to get some water. I remember walking through the hall.
It was very dark...and I heard this strange sound.
It was like a thud. It came from the bathroom itself. I remember thinking it was a monster that made that sound. But I remembered what my father told me one day. He told me that I shouldn't be scared of the monsters.
So I went in." He tells her, "I couldn't see anything at first, so I turned on the light. But what was inside was no monster. It was my father." He added. Emily tilted her head slightly.
"He broke into your house?" She asked.
"He didn't just break-in.
When I walked into the bathroom, he had sliced my mom's throat open and was cutting off her face." He tells her. Emily's eyes widened and gasped. "Your father was the murderer of 2003? He's the face cutter?" She asked him. Brody nodded. "That's my dad." He said awkwardly, "So...in one night,
I lost my mother, my father, and myself. So after that, I moved in with my aunt, Meggie White." He said.
"Ms White from school is your aunt?" Emily asked. Brody nodded and ran his hand through his hair. "Why do I want to protect Calvin?
Because I lost my parents, I can't lose someone else that is that important to me." He explains. "Brody, I'm so sorry for you," Emily said and scooted closer to Brody. "Please, don't be. So now you understand...please believe me when I say that I want to protect him." He explained to her, "I'm not making it up." He added. Emily nodded and rubbed his back. "Alright, I believe you."

A/n: yes I had to delete this part and republish it again to fix another error. I really don't know what Wattpad has against this book😂 like this is the only book which has malfunctions. So sorry for getting notifications on the wrong days, things are really messy. I'm sorry.

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