~24~ I got a hangover

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Calvin POV
I woke up to the worst hangover ever. I groaned "Mommy!" I whined. My bedroom door opened and my mother rushed inside. She looked at me "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked sweetly. I hold my head in my hands "I have a headache." I whine. It hurt so badly I wanted to cry. I also felt sick. My mother brushed her soft hand over my head "It's a hangover isn't it?" She asked me. I looked at her "H-How do you-" "Cameron brought you home last night, you were drunk. Honey, you know you're a minor." She tells me. I sigh "Mom, I'm sorry." I said.
She smiled "It's alright, it happens to everyone at some point. Honey, tell me what happened last night." She said softly. She climbed onto my bed and lies my head on her chest.
I felt so safe. I sigh "We sneaked into this club or bar thingy and we weren't paying attention to the amount of alcohol that we were drinking." I tell her.She plays with my hair "Why were you there?" She asked me. I shrug "Cameron's girlfriend cheated on him.
We wanted to help him to get his mind off her." I tell her. She kissed the top of my head "You're such a good friend, but you do realize that you're grounded right?" She said.
I nodded and cuddled close to her "I know. I'm sorry." I tell her. She hugged me "It's alright, you're home and you're safe. I just have one more question. Cameron was the only one who wasn't drunk, do you know why?" She asked. I shook my head "I don't remember a lot of last night. I just want to go back to sleep." I tell her.
She kissed the top of my head again "Okay, sleep tight." She said. 

*Time Skip*

I managed to get out of bed eventually. I walked over to the shower and tried to wash the hangover away. Sadly, that was not possible. When I got out of the shower I got dressed and went downstairs. My father was sitting at the table, my mother was in the kitchen, and Charlie was drawing something as she sat next to my father.
My mother saw I had walked in and smiled "Hey Honey, how are you feeling?" She asked me. I shrugged "I'm a little better. Can I maybe have some aspirin?" I asked her.
She nodded "Of course, Honey." She said. The doorbell rang, "I'll get it." I said. Mom tried to pull me back "Mom, I can answer the doorbell." I tell her and walk towards the front door. Cameron "Cameron! H-Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I came to check on you. You were pretty wasted last night." He chuckled. I smiled and rubbed my forehead slightly "Yeah, remind me to not do that again." I tell him. He nodded "I will." He said. I stepped aside "Do you want to come in?" I asked him. He shrugged "I don't know. I don't want to bother you guys." He said. I smiled at him "You're not. Come on, I can use someone to forget my hangover." I said and winked at him.
He chuckled awkwardly "Nah. I saved you from a sugar daddy yesterday, that's enough for me." He said and backed up a little. I chuckled "I'm just messing with you, come on in. Thanks for that by the way." I said. He laughed and walked inside. He took off his shoes and jacket. We walked back into the kitchen "Mom, Cam's here." I said.
She smiled and walked over to him "Oh Cameron, Honey, so great to see you! Like I said last night, I can't thank you enough for bringing my baby home safely." She said. I blushed and glared at her "Mom." I said.
She laughed "Sorry, Hun. Just make yourself at home, Honey." She said to Cameron. He smiled at her "Thanks Lucy." He said. I looked at him "When did you start calling her that?" I asked him. He shrugged "Since last night, I guess." He said. He smiled at my mother. I've got a bad feeling about this. I pulled Cameron by his arm "Alright, we will be up in my room watching a movie!" I said and pulled him with me. 
I closed the door behind me and glared at Cameron "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. He shrugged "Calling your mother by her name, as she told me to do the first time I came here." He said. I stepped closer to him "I might have a hangover but I can still think straight, even though it hurts. Cam, you're the type of guy that keeps calling her Mrs." I said. He chuckled "What's the problem?" He asked me.
I walk over to my bed "It's just weird for you to call her that. Only Brody calls her by her name." I said. He sat down next to me "This is the first time I've called her that without her reminding me. I will probably call her 'Mrs.' next time I see her." He said. I smiled and grabbed the remote "So, movie?" I asked. He nodded "Sure!"

*Time Skip*

Cameron POV
We were watching the movie on Calvin's bed. We were having a great time! I noticed that Calvin's eyes were closing. He lied his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me. He snuggled into my chest. At first, I felt a little awkward, he's not my boyfriend and he isn't drunk. But he said earlier that his head still hurt a little. I'm okay with it. He smiled a little in his sleep. Kind of cute...wait what?

A/n: Any thoughts?

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