~14~ Why won't you tell me?

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Calvin POV
I chuckle "Alright, Cam, what's going on?" I ask him "I can't tell you, you should leave before my dad sees you." He says. I was very confused, what does his father have to do with any of this? "Cam, what's going on? Why won't you tell me?" I ask him. He glances over his shoulder "I can't talk right now." He says before slamming the door close. I groan a little "At least answer your phone when I'm calling you!" I yell before walking away from the house.

Cameron POV
I felt bad for Calvin. He was worried about me and I treat him like this...it's for his good if my father sees him he would kill him. I wander into the living room and plump down on the couch. Brenna is not there, I have no idea where she is, I could use her support. Father is not there, otherwise, I would not have been here like this anymore. Clarke is at school, my mom's at work...seems like I've got the whole house to myself. I could hear my breaths as I sat in the living room. I groan and walk back to the front door and open it "Calvin!" I yell. I could see him glancing over his shoulder

*Time Skip*

Calvin and I sat on the couch talking about me. I hate it when we're talking about me. I know he's worried about me, but I can't tell him everything.
Even if I wanted to. I would only make things worse for my family. He runs his hand through his hair "You do realize how worried I was right? I thought someone murdered you in your sleep or something." Calvin says "Or maybe the alcohol killed you." I chuckle "It didn't." I tell him. He glances at me "I can see someone else clearly tried to hurt you, and it wasn't one of us." he says. I raise an eyebrow, he points at my cheek "Don't pretend you forgot about it. You don't forget something like that." He says "When someone is talking to you they do forget. You jump from the first subject to the other one." I laugh.
He laughs too "True...wait you're trailing off again. Why won't you tell me how you got that? It can't be that bad or embarrassing." He says. I sigh "Trust me, you don't want to know." I tell him and try to avoid eye contact. I heard him groan "Brenna didn't..." He starts "No, she didn't." I told him. There was a silence after that.

He suddenly starts to laugh "I honestly thought you would be doing her at the moment I arrived." He laughs. I started to blush slightly "Bren and I haven't really...got to that part yet." I tell him. He looks at me "Aww!! You're blushing!!" He says "Shut up, Cal!" I say and throw a pillow at him. He throws one at me as well, we look at each other before starting a pillow fight. A manly pillow fight!
We laughed and for a second I was forgetting about everything for a moment. I could hear several sounds behind me, but I blocked them out. Calvin and I continued to throw and hit each other with pillows until someone screams "STOP!!" I quickly turned around and saw Brenna. I smile "Baby, you're back!" I say and open my arms to hug her.
She pushes me away "What on earth are you two doing? You are making a mess of the living room!" She says "Bren, we're just having a little fun." I tell her. She groans "You better clean this mess up before your parents come home. And when you two are finished he leaves!" She says and walks off to the kitchen.

Calvin comes closer to me "Is she always like this?" He asks "No, never. She's usually a really sweet girl. I'll talk to her." I say and walk into the kitchen. I look at Brenna "What's up? Why are you so mad? What did we do?" I ask her.
She glances at me "You two made a mess." She says calmly. I chuckle slightly "I don't think that's the only problem. Why won't you tell me what's going on?" I ask her "Wow I sound just like Calvin." I heard her groan. I raise one of my eyebrows "What's wrong?" "Ugh! Calvin, Calvin, Calvin, Calvin!! Is that seriously the only thing you can talk about?!" She yells.
I chuckle "What?" "You're always talking about Calvin! When does it stop?! It's like you two are some kind of married couple! You're my boyfriend, not his!" She yells "So that's what this is about?" I ask her "You're always talking about him! I don't want him near you, he's a bad influence!" She says.

A/n: Any thoughts?

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