~41~ I'm here for you

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At lunch the next day, Calvin and Brody sat at their lunch table. Calvin was glancing around all the time to make sure he wouldn't miss him. He had to talk to him. Even though he thinks he's the one that killed Blake, he has to know Calvin will be there for him. He scanned the room over and over again. Brody noticed Calvin and nudged his shoulder.
"Dude, chill, he'll be here," Brody tells his friend. Calvin sighed loudly and tried to focus on something else. He was staring at the little flower that stood in a bottle on the table. They had tried to decorate the school to make it more comfortable for the students to be here. At some point, Calvin thought it was kind of lame to put flowers on the table.
But now he thinks they're kind of nice. As Calvin sat staring at the flower, Brody kept his eyes focused on the people in the room. He then saw the cafeteria doors open. Suddenly there was a silence that caused Calvin to glance up. He watched as Cameron made his way through the crowd that had their eyes focused on him. Calvin stood up and walked towards him.
"Hey." He said quietly. Cameron just glanced down at his feet. "It's good to see you back. You can sit with us if you-" "No thanks." Cameron answered and walked past him. Calvin turned around and followed him out of the cafeteria again. "Cam, wait," Calvin said as he caught up with Cameron. "What do you want?" Cameron asked him.
"I want to make sure you're okay." He tells him. Cameron huffed at him. "Yeah, my girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend, my father might lose a case which would cost him a lot of money, and one of my only friends here was shot on the streets. Yeah, I'm okay!" Cameron complained. Calvin glanced at his feet for a minute. Cameron rolls his eyes at him and starts to walk away again. Calvin glanced up again.
"I just wanted you to know...I'm here for you." Calvin tells him. Cameron stops and turns around to glare at him. "I know you want to blame all of this on someone. But I am not the one to blame. Sure, he wasn't my best friend, but I would never kill him. Or anyone else." Calvin tells him. Cameron had no answer to that. Deep inside he knew Calvin couldn't have done it, but he was filled with hate. He wanted revenge for his friend. Blood must have blood. "You can always talk to me. Always. It doesn't matter if I'm with anyone at that moment. If you need me I'll be there for you. Just know that." Calvin said. Cameron let out a weak smile.
Calvin smiled back at him, not knowing a plan had just popped up into Cameron's head. It was a psychotic plan, and it would most definitely get Calvin hurt. Yet, he could only think about the plan and how much it would hurt him. Calvin no longer seemed like a friend to him, but he was the enemy. 
Anyone who could hear his thoughts would think he was insane or mentally unstable. Blaming your friend is one thing, but blaming him for murder is insane. The truth to be told, Cameron wasn't thinking straight at the moment. How could he? He could only imagine the face on Blake's face as he fought for his life. Horror, it must've been for him. Knowing he would die any second. "The funeral is tomorrow. You will be there...right?" Cameron asked him. Calvin put his hands in his pockets. "Sure, if you want me to be there." He said. Cameron nodded. "I'll pick you up," Calvin tells him.
Then someone walked up behind Calvin. "Babe, what are you doing here? Lunch is right there." David chuckled. Calvin chuckled as well. "Yeah. Cam, are you sure you don't want to sit with us?" Calvin asked him. Cameron shook his head. "I'm alright. I'll see you later." Cameron said and walked off. Calvin wanted to walk towards the cafeteria doors when David stopped him. "What were you two talking about?" He asked him. "Does that matter?" Calvin chuckles. David pulled him back when he wanted to walk again. "Be careful with him. He doesn't seem very stable." David said. "That's why I have to be there for him," Calvin said. "Cal, I'm serious," David tells him. "So am I. Let's get some lunch." Calvin said and pulled his boyfriend along with him.

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