~23~ Break-up Party!

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Cameron POV
I stood in my room getting ready for this party. I heard my phone vibrate 'Princess💕 sent you a text' it said. I ignored it and put on my jacket "Where are you going?" I jump at the sound of my mother's voice. I look at her "I'm going to hang out at Calvin's place." I told her. She crosses her arms over her chest "This late?" She asked me.
I nod "Yeah! Don't worry I have my phone with me." I kiss her forehead and walk out of my room. My mother walked after me "Honey-" "Mom, I'll be fine." I tell her, "And so will you. Dad's out for tonight and he won't come back until tomorrow afternoon. Don't worry." I tell her. She sighs and wraps her arms around me "I'm your mother, I will always worry about you." She tells me, "Have fun sweetheart." She says. I hugged her tightly "Don't stay up, it could get pretty late." I tell her. She nodded "Understood. Don't get into too much trouble and be polite to his parents." She reminded me. I nodded "I will."

*Time Skip*

We arrived at a building. By the loud music and flashing lights coming from inside, I could tell it was a club. There was a line of people in front of us waiting to go inside. I looked at Calvin "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him. He chuckled "Of course! Just follow my lead." He tells me. He walked up to the front of the line and we all followed him.
He walked up to the bodyguard "Hey Josh!" Calvin said. The man took off his sunglasses "Hey Calvin." He said, "Haven't seen you here for a while!" He says. Calvin glances over his shoulder and pointed at us "Do you think you can let us through? We're having a little break-up party for this one." He said pointing at me.
This Josh guy looked at me "Oh I'm sorry, what happened?" He asked me.
 I sigh "I don't want to talk about it." I told Calvin. He looks at Josh "His girl cheated on him." He blurts out. Josh pats my shoulder "You have fun in there boy." He said and let us pass. I pulled Calvin back before he could walk in "Doesn't he need to see our ID?" I asked him. He cocked up his eyebrow "Why would he have to see our ID?" He asked.
I chuckled and folded my arms over my chest "We're minors, we are not allowed to go in there." I tell him. He shrugs "So what?" He chuckled. I glance down at my feet "I don't think I want to go in there." I tell him. He grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

Loud music played, flashing lights shone on my face, and the smell of alcohol was very strong. I looked to my left to see Calvin smirking "Let's get this party started!!" He yelled. Brody and Felix ran off to a couple of girls who were dancing. Calvin pulled me along with him and pushed me into the crowd "Have fun!" He yelled. I watched as my friends walked off on their own and started to mingle with other people. I decided to get a drink at the bar. It's better than just sitting around by myself all night. My phone vibrated in my pocket but I ignored it. Brenna was still texting me. She's spamming me with texts asking why I'm not texting her back and things like 'Are you ignoring me?' and 'Are you mad at me?'.
Like she doesn't know what she did! Doesn't she feel at least a little bit guilty? I started to see a picture in my head of Brenna and that guy in that house. One of my main questions was who was he? I didn't have a lot of friends but no one in school hated me, they just weren't interested and honestly, I felt the same way. No one hated me, so it had to be someone out of school. Maybe it was that older guy who lived a couple of houses away.
I don't know, and I don't think I want to know. I'm just glad Max told me instead of keeping it a secret from me.
I would've lived in a lie for who knows how long if he hadn't told me. I shrugged the thoughts off and walked towards the bar. "Can I have a coke please?" I asked the bartender. He nodded and poured some coca-cola in a glass. He puts his hands on the counter "Wouldn't you like to have something a little stronger? We have everything! Whiskey, Vodka, just tell me." He said.
 I shook my head "No thank you." I said, "I don't drink." I tell him. He glanced at me "Had a rough first experience?" He asked. I took a sip of my drink "Let's just say I did something I shouldn't have and paid the price." I tell him. I brush my hand over my arm. The bruises were covered up by my sleeve.
He looked behind me "Your friends seem to have a lot of fun." He said. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Felix chugging down his drink and dancing with a girl. On the other side, I saw Brody kissing and grinding against another girl. My eyes fell on Calvin, he was flirting with a guy that looked a lot older than we were. Before I knew it Calvin kissed him.
I sigh and turn back to the bartender "Yeah." I said sadly. "Why are you so sad? Son, there are a lot of cute girls here who are looking for a guy like you to dance with." He said. I shrug "I don't feel like dancing right now." I tell him. I decided to walk away. I didn't feel like talking to this guy. I saw a large empty couch and sat down on it. 

*Time Skip*

I sat there for a while on my own, looking at the people around me. The smell of alcohol made me sick. After a while, someone sat down on the couch next to me. Calvin smiled and hugged me tightly "Cammy!" He said happily.
He broke the hug and looked at me "Why aren't you dancing?" He asked. He was very drunk. I chuckled and gently pushed him off "I don't feel like dancing. Seems like you've had a lot of fun." I said. Calvin nods and hugs me again "Why don't you come dance with me and Kyle?" He asked. "Kyle?" I asked him.
That's when a guy walked up to us. Calvin smiled at him "Hai." he said. The guy sat next to us "I was looking for you, Handsome. You had me kind of worried about you." He said. Calvin pouts and hugs the guy "Sorry, Kyle. Can we cuddle?" He asked before sitting back up, "Cammy! This is Kyle!" He said drunk. 'Kyle' chuckled "Your friend is adorable. I sigh "He's drunk so he's very stupid." I said. Calvin held onto Kyle tightly "Hello." He said. Kyle chuckled again and puts his hand on Calvin's waist. I took a second to look at this guy. He seemed a lot older than us. He was wearing a fancy suit and tie, looking like he just got out of work. He was also holding a glass of what I think is whiskey. The glass of alcohol reminded me of my father. "Can I ask you how old you are?" I asked him.
He took a sip from his drink, "I'm thirty-one." He answered. I don't know what happened...but I snapped. Is he crazy?! "You do realize that he's a lot younger than you are." I said. He shrugged "Little age gap isn't the end of the world right?" He said. I glared at him "No, but he's seventeen and you're thirty-one, that's a pretty big age gap." I say and took a sip of my drink. 

He glanced at Calvin who was doing something with his fingers. Wow. He's really drunk. "He's cute! He reminds me of a puppy." Kyle said and pets Calvin's hair. Calvin took his drink from his hand and emptied the glass "Ah! So good!" He said and stood up, "Now I want to dance!" He said. He tried to walk but he fell back on the couch and laughed "I might be a little drunk." He said. Kyle chuckled "No kidding. You're cute though." He said and pulled Calvin back onto his chest and lap. I didn't feel very comfortable with this. Calvin is cuddling with a guy that could be his uncle or something, maybe even his father. "Hey uh...listen. I don't want to sound rude but I think you should go." I tell Kyle.
He nodded "Understood, come on Handsome!" He said. Calvin whined, "No, I don't want to." He said. Kyle chuckled and pulled him up "I'll get you another drink and we'll go back to my place okay?" Kyle said. Calvin shook his head "No." He whined. But Kyle started to pull him along with him. I stop him from leaving with my friend "I want him to stay here." I tell him.
He glared at me "Why?" He asked. I stood up from the couch "I don't think he's in good hands when he's with you." I tell him. He chuckled "Dang! What are you? His father?" He laughed, "You wanted me to leave so I'll leave, but I'm buying this cutie another drink." He said. I grabbed Calvin's arm and pulled him away from Kyle "He's seventeen. He shouldn't be drinking in the first place. You as the adult should know that." I said.
Calvin chuckled "Haha! Burned!" He said. Kyle glared at me "What's your problem?" He asked me. "You are my problem. You keep offering him drinks so he'll be so light-headed so you can take him home and probably rape him!" I said. Kyle's expression turned from friendly to angry, "That is so not true! And even if it was why would you care?!" He said.
"He isn't thinking straight. I have to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." "Oh, and you're assuming I'm stupid?" He smirked. I shook my head "I'm not going to have this conversation with you." I said. Kyle chuckled "Alright, have it your way. Maybe next time I should force some of that alcohol down your throat. Maybe you won't be such a vibe killer." he whispered in my ear. He walked over to Calvin and kissed him "Call me, Handsome." He said and left the building. Calvin and I sat back on the couch.
He looked at me "Why did he want me to come to his house?" He asked. I shrugged "I'll tell you tomorrow when you're sober." I tell him. He pouts "What's wrong?" I asked him. He lied on my chest "I just wanted a boyfriend." He sighs, "I'm lonely." He said. I pet his hair "It's okay. Maybe we should go back home." I suggest. He nods and snuggles closer to me "Thank you, Cammy." He said. I was a little confused but then again, so was he. I chuckled "You're welcome. Come on, we should find Felix and Brody." I tell him. He sat up a little and kissed my cheek "You're so sweet." He said. I stood up "Thanks. Come on, I'm taking you home." I say.
A/n: Longer chapter! Yay! Any thoughts?

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