~27~ Hi, I'm Blake

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*A few Days Later*

Cameron POV
I parked my car in the parking lot. I took a deep breath bore stepping out of the car. I saw Calvin and Felix standing by the entrance of the school. 'Should I just walk up to them?' I asked myself. Then I saw that Brody joined them. I sighed and decided to just pretend they aren't there. I walked up to the main entrance and just walked past them.
I felt horrible for ignoring Calvin, he's been trying to be my friend since the moment I arrived. I saw Brody glaring at me in the corner of my eyes. I sighed and walked
straight to my locker. "Cam, wait!" I heard Calvin say
behind me. I opened my locker trying to ignore him. He sighs "Cam, about what happened the other day-" He started.
I looked at him "What? Are you going to apologize for what happened? I don't want your apologies!" I tell him. He glances down at his feet "Cam-" "Calvin, stop.
I appreciate you trying to be my friend, but I can't be a part of your group if the other won't accept me." I tell him. He looks at me "Brody is a dick, you know it." "Yeah! And that dick beat me up!" I yelled. I noticed some of the students looking at us. I took 
a deep breath
"Calvin, I wish I could make you understand, but I can't." I tell him. He stepped a little closer to me "You can try." He said. I sighed and grabbed some of my books out of my locker "I'll see you around." I said and closed my locker.
I walked away from Calvin, which felt horrible, but I know it was the right thing to do. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, so I bumped into someone.
'Can this day get any worse?' I asked myself. I looked up and saw a young guy standing in front of me "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized.
He shrugged "It's alright. I saw what happened there with your friend. Are you alright?" He asked. I shake my head "Not really. New friends can be
tough sometimes." I tell him. He nodded "Yeah. You're a new student?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah kind of.
I moved here a couple of weeks ago." I tell him. He nodded "Good to know. By the way, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here." He said. I smiled "Thanks man, I think I can use someone to talk to." I tell him. He smiled and grabs the straps of
his backpack "Alright, I know the perfect place and you
can tell me what's wrong." He said. I smiled "Thanks, but before we talk, what's your name?" I asked him.
"Blake. Blake Kenneth." He answered, "Cool name. I'm Cameron. Cameron Anderson." I said.

Calvin POV
I sighed as I saw Cameron talking to that Kenneth kid. He's cute but he's too young in my opinion. Blake is the son of the principal, and he's that kid that is friends with everyone in the school. I watched as they walked off. I sighed loudly and turned around to walk back to my friends. Every single person standing in the hallway was
looking at me "What?" I said. They all stopped looking
and walked away. Felix walked towards me "No luck?" He asked. I shook my head
"Not really. Damn you, Brody." I whispered.
He puts his hand on my shoulder "Don't be so dramatic, man." "I'm not being dramatic." I tell him. He glances at them"Seems like he's finding some other friends already." He said.
I sighed "I was just trying to be a good friend and try to not
make him go through all the shit I went through." I tell him.
He shrugged "You can't prevent that from happening.
Besides, what happened to you could happen to anyone, why worry so much about him?" He asked me, "I mean if what Brody said is true then-" "Brody doesn't know
what he's talking about." I tell him. We started to walk to class "How do you know?" He asked me. "I heard Brenna and Cameron fighting before. Brenna never liked
me, so she's using Brody to get to me." I tell him. He looked at me "Are you sure you're not being dramatic?" He asked me. I glared at him "I'm not being dramatic!" I said. He rolled his eyes at me "Sure, but Brenna is long gone and she ain't coming back for a long time.
Maybe it's a prank or something?" Felix said. I shook my head "That's not something you joke about. She's up to something and I want to know what it is."

A/n: Any thoughts?

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