Shot 9

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Hi guys... i might disappoint a few... but bear with me...

********************slightly mature**********************************************

Omkara felt like his body was on heat... the way his wife responded to his kiss made him reckless and impatient. He pinned her to the wall in a jiffy, not caring if he scared her with the force and fastness he put in the movement.

It wasn't the first time they kissed but he could say something has definitely changed. She no longer waited for him to coax her to make him enter her mouth, no longer he needed to make her feel comfortable.. it was like she was being held back by invisible strings till then and they broke loose with a snap today.

Gauri gave and took whatever she could from her husband not caring if she instigated because she wanted him to do the very thing he had been doing to make her feel secure. She wanted him to lose his control today and she tried telling him that in actions.

When she fumbled with his shirt buttons, he gladly helped her asking for confirmation yet again "This isn't another dream of mine.... Is it? are you sure Gauri?"

When she merely kissed him again, he parted from her and asked "I want a yes or no... tell me you are not going to scurry away after this or worse regret it"

Gauri groaned "Omkaraji... I want this... every bit of it... please don't make me say more than this"

He pulled the strings of her blouse, making it fall loose from shoulders and he kissed them slowly and deliberately, having his share of fun teasing her while she made a hiss of pleasure squeezing his naked shoulders.

At that moment, his phone rang making him temporarily pause to grab it fumbling through his pant pockets and switch it off without even looking at the caller. Once he threw the gadget onto the cushions of his customized recliner couch, he lifted her of the floor moving towards his bed.

Gauri saw the heated look of her husband and looked away unable to hold his gaze for long. In no time she was pushed onto the soft mattress of their bed with him getting atop her the next second.

Omkara pulled down the saree with the already loose blouse and mouthed her making her throw her head back to hit the pillow and moan, her hair strands now falling from its elaborate updo. Her hands closed around his broad shoulders and her fingers tightened as his tongue and lips coaxed her to pleasure.

He left her treasures for a while and raised to kiss the mouth which spelled out his name like never before... how he wished she continued to sing 'Om'.. even when they aren't sating each other. He kissed her thoroughly making sure he kneaded one of her breasts with his free hand.

*****************************end of mature content***********************************

A knock sounded on the door, but neither of them were mentally free to note the soft sound amongst their low groans. Only when the knock became more urgent did Gauri hear the sound as if it came from far away.

"Omkaraji... the door"

"Ignore" came the reply before he sucked and kissed on her collarbone making her bite her lip to keep herself form moaning aloud lest the person outside their door heard her.

"Omkara!! Are you in there? Gauri?" Shivaay's voice made the couple pause and look at each other confused.

Omkara swallowed the expletives he was about to throw at his brother inviting all the self-control he had when Gauri slightly pushed him to stop.

"Must be important... just go and see Omkaraji..." she said kissing his forehead and he closed his eyes calming himself down.

After a few seconds, he hurriedly wore his shirt and marched to the door angrily opening it.

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