Shot 16

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"Why are you feeling shy Bhavu... this is our house... our dining table... look at the yummy parathas" Omkara said taking an ample piece placing it near Bhavya's mouth while she sat tightlipped glancing at Gauri who seemed to burst out anytime soon.

"Aree...itna kya soch rahi hoo... kuch nahi karegi.. muuh kolo (what are you thinking so much... she won't do your mouth first)" whispered Omkara and she shook her head worriedly.

"Bhavya...please...for me..." he said in a low tone only heard to the person sitting next him and this time Bhavya complied making him grin and place the piece of food into her mouth.

"Waah... jiju... itna pyaar... you should feed us too.. we are Bhavya's best friends" said Reshma catching on to the game and Omkara smiled widely agreeing to the request.

"Of course beautiful ladies" he said asking them to come near taking another piece of paratha and stretching his hand.

For the next half an hour, the table was filled with laughter and fun with people engaging in flirty comments, playful conversations. All except one stood in utter silence not speaking a word except serving people food.

"Gauri beta... everyone ate.. you too sit and eat... I will serve the rest" said Gayathri coming to the table.

"I am not hungry daadi... itna pyaar dekhke na... mera peet bhar gaya hai...(seeing all the love here... my stomach has become full)" she said looking directly at her husband who smiled at her innocently.

"Gauri... you cannot tolerate hunger... come sit" said Gayathri and Gauri turned to the elderly woman with a glare.

"I said I don't want to eat... is that so difficult to understand" she whisper yelled before placing the curry she was serving on the table and left the place in anger.

"Gauri... Gauri... wait" shouted Gayathri and followed her grand daughter.

Shivaay glared at Omkara "Are you satisfied now? What was the need to irritate her? What are you even doing?"

"I was just trying to bring out a reaction"

"And you succeeded... she left"

"That is what I don't understand... if she is sad she runs away, if she is angry also she runs away and even if she is happy and blushing she runs away... isse to award milna chahiye....(she deserves an award) saying the best runner slash escaper" Omkara quipped while the girls giggled.

"But jiju... you don't know Gauri di's stubbornness.. she won't eat for the day... we are feeling bad that because of us..."

"Don't worry ladies... when she is hungry she will eat" he said and then diverted them by starting a new conversation making them temporarily forget about their angry cousin.


"Gauri... what is this childishness... how will you not eating anything decrease your anger... Damaad ji was just pulling your leg... you are over reacting" said Gayathri trying to pacify her grand daughter.

"Yeah Gauri... Omkara must be doing it in fun... what did your stomach do to deserve punishment?" asked Geet.

"I know bhaabhi... he is doing it intentionally... he knows I don't like it when he behaves like that with other woman... then why does he want to irk me?"

"How do we know... you ask him Gauri"

"I won't... and you both leave... I wont have lunch... you make your damaad ji eat" she said turning to her grand mother who sighed giving up.

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