Shot 17

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"Jiju what are you asking me to do? ... This is too much... I cannot do it sorry" Bhavya furiously shook her head in a no.

"Bhavya... you are not doing anything wrong... you act like we are doing something.. that is it... it is just to irk your sister... nothing else"

"If I do this... she will not only be irked jiju... she will kill me... and what if daadi comes to know of this... I will be banished from the house for lifetime... please jiju... don't make me do this" Bhavya pleaded.

"Okay... as you wish Bhavya... now everything is in your hands... you don't want to help me... I understand... you go.. I will manage" said Omkara in a dramatically defeated tone making the younger one guilty.

"Jiju... please don't say like that... there must me some other way"

"Might be, but I cannot test other ways in this short span...and she is responding to this way... You too agree with me right?"

"Right... Gauri di is very possessive ... in our childhood...." She started but Omkara smiled cutting her off "I know dear Bhavu... you have been telling me your childhood stories since afternoon... I think I know almost everything" he said not wanting to waste more time.


"So... will you help me?" he asked with hope adding all the charm into one convincing smile and Bhavya sighed nodding her head.

"If she kills me, I am going to haunt you for life" she said in warning and he laughed hugging her.

"It won't come to that"


Gauri was sitting in the storeroom, busy in packing the gifts that are to be given to the guests who will come to the engagement ceremony, when Bhavya cautiously entered it.

"G..Gauri di" she whispered.

Gauri continued to do her work not looking at her and Bhavya looked at the window through which Omkara watched the scene play.

'Louder' Omkara mouthed and Bhavya nodded calling her sister loudly.

"What is it Bhavya?"

"Umm.. haa.. tomorrow is the engagement di... I am wearing a lehenga for it" she said and Gauri looked at her in question.


"So... umm... the choli... is not fit to my body...and the village tailor is not at his place.... He must have gone to the town" said Bhavya.

"Bhavya... Haven't you tried it earlier? You should check all this before not one day before the function"

"Yeah... I forgot di... please can you stitch it for me? You are a fashion designer after all... this minor fitting shouldn't be a problem right?"

"I am busy now Bhavya... Do one thing... I will come and check your lehenga in the evening... until then check if Dandi can get another tailor for the work... I really can't come now leaving this work... It has to be finished by evening... Daadi's orders... Call Reshma and Payal also to help me with this"

"No di.. please do it now... I am very tensed about the lehenga... once you fix it I will help you with these gifts" said Bhavya.

"Bhavya.... Do as I told you... don't play stubborn now"

"No... first my choli then work... if you don't help me, I will ask jiju" she said and Gauri stopped her work turning to her sister to glare at her.

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