Shot 21

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Yaay... 😍🤩🥳🥳🥳 It is 13th february today... four years since the start of DBO... and the love hate story of our favourite RIKARA... 

May the fanbase stay put and keep writing more stories.

I am not promising... but you can expect a double update if time permits me... otherwise you will get one tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy reading the chappy...

Readers below 18, skip the initial part .... i marked the safe zone for you... scroll down...

************Mature content 18+ **************************************************************************************************

"Omkara ji" Gauri moaned as her husband kissed her jaw, his hand grazing the bare skin of her chest as it worked its way seducing her for another consuming session of love making.

She barely rested through the night when she was woken up with a sleep disruptive kiss. Her husband was notoriously stern in his game, pledging to make her pay for the wasted time of their married life.

"Hmmm" he said rolling them over, such that he stayed atop her pushing her more into the mattress before he took her lower lip in his, nibbling it between his teeth.

His wife's hands caressed his broad shoulders slowly and delicately making him groan at the feathery touch, his member going hard enough to tease her upper thigh.

In one swift move, he eased himself into her unannounced, making her gasp at the frictional pleasure while he took her mouth into a searing kiss.

Gauri arched her body locking her legs with his lower body to intimately fit him in, as he moved inside out with a newfound pace.

His tongue moved inside her mouth possessively, making her moan and pant, tension beginning to grip her. As his hands grasped her breasts together thumbs rubbing over the peaks, she felt herself undeniably falling off the peak, senseless and sated.

She watched him plunge into her hard and fast, beautiful hair locks covering his forehead. Combing them away from his face, she caressed his face which was warm and red with desire pouring off his chocolate brown eyes.

Once he grunted his release and collapsed on top of her, trying to catch his breath, his head nestled between her neck and shoulder, she hugged him closer, kissing his cheek and temple with so much love.

"I thought I am good with words...but I don't think I can ever be able to describe how I feel when we make love Gauri" he mumbled placing a kiss on her red hued cheek.

"Me too" she said returning the favour making him widely smile at her.

"You were about to say something before I seduced you" he reminded her and she widened her eyes looking at the time which showed eight in the morning.

"Oh God... Omkaraji... I will be late... get off me" she said pushing him away while he laughed at her attempts locking her with his weight making the task impossible.

"Omkaraji... move please" she said and he shook his head in a no. Grabbing her hands which were trying to push his shoulders, he brought them above her head, holding them together with his one large hand.

"You are taking a day off and we are spending a day in bed" he orders huskily, his free hand teasing her naked body beneath him making her go still.

She supposed, she should feel embarrassed or shy at what he did to her with his sinful fingers but all she felt was excitement and arousal.

Watching his wife look at him with naked desire in her eyes, Omkara could not help but gloat in victory. He traced her lips which were thoroughly kissed and tasted countless times during the previous night, with a wayward finger when she opened her mouth and bit it sharply.

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