Strange Feelings (Chapter 1, Part 2)

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Chiaki's POV-

Chiaki- Hey Sonia?

Sonia- Yeah Chiaki?

Chiaki- Uhm...

I had been feeling a deep tingly feeling around Sonia. I wonder why I feel this way. I want to tell Sonia, but I have no idea what to say to her.

Sonia- What is it?

Chiaki- Well... I... Uhm.... Uh nevermind! It's not important.

Sonia- uhm- Okay!

Sonia had a concerned look on her face. I wondered if it was because what I had just said seemed suspicious.

A light green haired young woman with short hair came over.

She's probably our server.

Server- Hello! How may I help you?

Sonia- Could I please have the uhm- Cheeseburger?

Server- Sure! And you Miss?

She was talking to me... hmm what do I want?

Chiaki- I'll have the same.

Server- Alright! And you gentlemen?

Nagito- I'll take the...

Hajime- I would like the...

Server- alright! I'll be back in a bit with your food!

I'm bored.... I'll play on my ds.

Sonia- What game are you playing Chiaki?

Chiaki- I'm playing Galaxy Smash.

Sonia- Cool! Could I play too?

Chiaki- I don't have a second controller with me right now. We can go to my house after this and play it if you want.

Sonia- Sure! That would be nice.

Chiaki- Okay.

Server- I'm back with your drinks!

The server walked over to our table with four drinks on the tray.

I don't remember ordering drinks?

Hajime- You guys were talking while she asked to order the drinks, so we picked some out for you.

Sonia- Alright! Thank you!

Chiaki- Thanks.

Server- An orange soda?

Nagito- That's mine.

Server- Orange Juice?

Hajime- That's mine. Thanks.

Server- Your welcome! Strawberry milk?

Strawberry milk is my favorite!

Chiaki- That's mine.

Sonia- That looks yummy!

Chiaki- It is.

Server- And last but not least, a Cookies and Cream milk shake!

Sonia- Ooh! My favorite! Thank you!

Hajime- You're welcome Sonia.

Our server placed the drinks in front of us in the order we claimed them.

Server- Enjoy! Your food will be out in a minute!

Hajime- Thank you.

After a few minutes, our food was out. It smelled really yummy.

Chiaki- This looks yummy Sonia!

Sonia- And it even comes with waffle fries!

Chiaki- Yeah.

Sonia- Let's eat!

Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki- Okay!

~Chapter 1, Part 2, End~

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