Chapter 3, Part 1

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Chiaki's POV:

Sonia looked at me, then patted next to her on the bed, motioning at me to sit with her. I stood up out of the desk chair, and walked over to Sonia's large, beautiful, princess-y bed, and sat down. She layed her head on my shoulder, and she started crying lightly. I looked up at her tear filled eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said, putting my hand gently on her cheek.

"My mother... She- She said that..." I couldn't hear her well between the cries that quickly became sobs.

"What did your mom say-?" I said, looking Sonia in the eyes.

"My mother," She took a deep breath, "My mother said that we no longer hang out together anymore. I was asking her what would have happened if I told her I was in love with a girl. She said there is no way she would bless the marriage, and that we would not be able to hang out anymore..."

I hugged her tightly. "She then went through my phone last night, and found our messages. She had told me it was a bit too suspicious, being that we had sent a lot of hearts and saying 'ily' a lot. Because of that, we shall no longer be able to be together...." She managed to get out a lot of information, which the bad news had set a dim light in my heart. However, I did not let it show on my face, since, I wanted to make sure that Sonia was at the center of attentions.

"Well, there must be other ways to hang out, right? I mean, we could go to my house, and we could go to the café and other things like that after school!" I reassured, trying to brighten the mood.

"You are right... I hope that we can. That would... most definitely be a good solution." She slowly stopped sobbing, and then buried her face in the pillow next to her, embarrassed that she had cried so much.

"Dont worry, love." I said, laying next to her and hugging her tightly. I never want to let her go. She's the only thing that's more important to me than video games. 

After a few minutes, she stopped crying, then sat back up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry," she said, frowning. 

"Why are you apologizing? The situation is out of our control. All we have to do is make the best of what we have. I promise you, nothing about our relationship will change. I still love you, no matter what." I replied as I stroked Sonia's soft hair.

"Really?" She said, a light pink blush spread across her face to her ears, she was flustered. They hadn't been dating for long, and she still wasn't used to the heartfelt "I love you"s and other means of affection quite yet.

(A/n: HII IM BACK AND I DECIDED TO ADD SOME ANGST EHSNSJN- Uhm, so I hope its not shit😭😭 I'll add another chapter some time soon hopefully but no promises.... I've been very busy with school and all that lmao and I also haven't really had any writing inspiration lately so,,, but I do have discord and just so happens I do like to roleplay so if you'd like my discord then pm me and we can start an RP!! Just make sure you have ships/characters, and a plot and all that in mind first dnjsnsksn)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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