The Confession? Chapter 2, Part 2)

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Previously in Chiaki's POV-

Sonia- Oh that sounds cool! And uhm... well... I wanted to tell you something.

Chiaki- What is it?

Sonia's voice just got really serious. I wonder what she has to tell me?

Sonia- Well uhm...

She looked down at her phone and looked at something.

Sonia- uhm...

She cleared her throat and started to say something surprising.

~Chapter 2 part 2 start!~

Chiaki's POV-

Sonia- Uhm... Chiaki you're..... mutter- my best friend..... and I've wanted to say this for a while now, but I'm not sure If you feel the same way. I've always been so nervous and I never got the chance for us to be alone together...

Chiaki- Just tell me what's on your mind.

Sonia- Well.... uhm... I-I like....

I could tell what she was trying to tell me. She was trying to say that she likes me. Confessing to people is hard. So I did what any person who also likes that person who do.

I smashed my lips onto her lips. I wanted to let her know that I feel the same way. At first, she seemed surprised, but then, she kissed back. I couldn't believe after finally all this time, she confessed to me and now this is happening. I was happy to be like this with her.

Sonia- mmhn~

I flinched... I guess that startled me. I think she's not familiar with this kind of thing... I'm not surprised. Sonia pulled away from the kiss, blushing.

Sonia- Blush! uhm... I've never kissed anyone before...

Chiaki- Really? It doesn't surprise me that much though. I've never actually kissed anyone either...

Sonia- Oh okay then! By the way, you kissing me meant that you accept my uhm... confession?

Chiaki- Mhm! It's hard to say that you love someone by saying it. I guess it's easier by actions. SO that's why I kissed you!

Sonia- Okay! Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you... Tomorrow we are off of school! Wanna go out to the movies and some lunch?

Chiaki- Sure! I don't see why not!

~Chapter 2 Part 2 End~

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